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Email Marketing For Businesses

Do you desire to increase profits, increase consumer awareness about your business, and generally build good long-lasting relationships with your customers? If you do, then email marketing is your answer. It is a quick, easy, efficient and inexpensive way of achieving all these, and more organizational goals.

By utilizing email software in marketing, you can cut promotion costs while increasing your customer base and keeping your clients updated about your business. Even if your organization is not a commercial one, if it is an NGO for instance, you can still utilize email to educate the public about your organization your mission, vision, and maybe even to request for donations to further your organizational goals.

Generally, there are two main ways to market your business with email: direct mail and email newsletters. Direct email refers to the drafting of a normal email containing all the information you wish to make known to your consumers and then sending it to your customers and potential customers. You can include information such as new offers, the type of products your organization offers, new products, etc. Generally the direct mail approach is a tactic for attracting new customers.

Email newsletters are similar to normal printed newsletters and are sent periodically to a specific list of recipients. Email new letters are mainly sent to people who are already customers or people who are already familiar with your business. Email new letters are usually a technique for establishing and nourishing a long-term relationship with your customers. In your news letters you can include the same type of information that you would in a direct email, i.e. new offers, new products, etc. However, you can also inform your customers about the opening of new branches, the relocation of existing branches, the closing of a branch etc. In this manner, the email new letter is more a tool for customer retention rather than one for attracting new customers.

Setting up an email campaign using direct email or email new letters is relatively easy. To establish a recipients list, email service providers usually sell businesses with email account addresses. Moreover, service providers will give you with lists of account holders that fit certain criteria such as age, gender, location etc. This measure increases the effectiveness of your campaign.

To create a recipient list for your email news letter, you can use your firms personal website or your various stores. On your website or in your stores, you can place forms requesting your customers to provide their email addresses if they wish to receive the newsletter.

by: Lucy James

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