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subject: When Is The Best Time For Business Gifts? [print this page]

When Is The Best Time For Business Gifts?

Business gifts are an effective business tool for marketing, motivation and as a reward for achievement. As we emerge from the back end of summer, many businesses will be turning their attentions towards Christmas, but can business gifts be just as effective the rest of the year round?

It is a slightly depressing thought but in the world of business, Christmas is just around the corner. With the nights getting darker and the mornings getting chillier, autumn announces itself just in time for businesses to start concentrating on Christmas. For business gifts it is the busiest time of year, with companies looking to celebrate with their staff and reward clients whilst getting the word out about their brand. But can business gifts be used throughout the rest of the year to achieve the same results?

The answer is of course yes. Motivation and rewards don't begin and end with the Christmas festivities and business gifts can play an important role within marketing and staff incentives.

Branded business gifts are the best way to spread the word about a company as the gift can embody the spirit of the brand. They can be used to spread the word not only about the company but deliver it's brand values to the end user. If a company are promoting their futuristic ideas and want to be seen as looking forward, this message can be transmitted by giving promotional gadgets, for example.

As well as marketing and brand awareness, business gifts also play a year round role in boosting motivation. Staff who are rewarded for their efforts will be more enthusiastic about their work, and this can only help productivity. Nothing replicates that feeling of receiving a gift whatever time of the year it is, and if that gift is given as a result of the work somebody has done it can have a profound affect.

In these times of austerity, where achievement cannot always be rewarded with a cash bonus, business gifts are a more affordable way for businesses to recognise the hard work of their employees. For companies who have been forced to make cut backs, they can give staff a welcome reminder that their efforts have not gone unnoticed.

With the attention of businesses starting to shift towards Christmas, don't forget the benefits that giving business gifts can provide all year round.

by: Alan Grainger

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