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Magic Jack - A Small But Useful Device

The magic jack is a USB portal device that can be plugged into a phone line to make calls from your home via internet. Though there are a lot of such devices and websites that allow you to make calls over the internet, magic jack outstands all of them both economically and functionally. It costs just $50 for one year whereas the benefits you get are numerous like unlimited local and long distance calls, choosing your own phone number, voice mails, call waiting and caller ID.

Setting up the device initially is very easy. The product has inbuilt software that works as soon as the device is plugged in the computer and you can easily pick your phone number after putting in your info in the first try. The additional advantage is that you don't have to wait long for your product to reach you after your order. The company has a good customer service and even though the website says that it might take 15 days for delivery, most of the users have claimed that they received the product within few days. The users also seem to be happy about the after sale services.

Moreover, you don't need a regular phone to use the device to make calls. You can use your computer's microphones and speakers, or headset for the same purpose. There are a lot of other websites that offer such option of calling via internet, but this device is different. It mainly gives importance to calling to and fro from phones on regular wired and wireless phone networks. In addition to that the prices for its calls are much lower when compared to other options.

The device works in PCs with Windows XP, Vistas and Windows 7, and also with all Intel-based Mac. Moreover, it also works well with both corded and cordless phones. It also comes with software for dialing, even though you can dial with your regular phone that is connected.

You can make calls to anywhere in US, Puerto Rico, Canada or even the US Virgin Islands. You can even make international calls if the other person also has a magic jack and the call is free. You can take this device with you anywhere in the world and can make free calls home.

Magic Jack - A Small But Useful Device

By: sidana

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