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subject: Why Your Small Business Needs a Web Presence? [print this page]

Why Your Small Business Needs a Web Presence?

Bigger businesses have embraced it long back and have reaped the fruits of web presence. Now it is the turn on small businesses and the service providers. If you are looking for reasons to build an online brand image, you are at the right place.

Today, customer does not have time or patience. He needs information at the press of a button. You need to be where your customers are and hence, being online is a must. As the influx on the internet is ever increasing, web presence enables you to sell your product 24*7 in the global market. As internet neither knows geographical boundaries nor the time, your customers can look for their desired products and put a request for it whenever they want.

A company website is a great tool to educate customers. They can get detailed knowledge about your product and its efficiency. They can also compare it with other products.

It is a costly affair to get brochures printed and distributed. Instead, you will be spending peanuts to get an e-brochure designed and put it on your website.

Your customers can ask questions, lodge complains and give feedback through your website. Information collected through this is invaluable for the growth of any business.

Having a domain name of your company and the email addresses with your company name provides a strong brand image and inexpensive advertisement of your company.

Your website is a good tool for recruitment as well. You just need to put your requirements in the 'careers' section of your website and aspiring candidates will contact you.

A website provides credibility and stability to your business. Your customers will know that your business may go anywhere but they will be able to reach you through your website.

You can make additional income if you can get some advertisers on your website. You will get paid on per click basis when those ads get clicked.

Hence all you need to do is to get a website designed and keep promoting its URL wherever possible.

Why Your Small Business Needs a Web Presence?

By: Rama Purushottam

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