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subject: Know More About Your Money [print this page]

Knowing more about how to handle your money can help you avoid costly and stressful scenarios. For instance, the overuse of credit cards leading to huge penalties and accumulated debt has made it necessary for everyone to know proper money management. Good budgeting can also help eliminate the financial and emotional strain of paying for regular expenses, such as fuel for your car, utilities, and other everyday costs.

Basic money management involves research into things like budgeting, interest rates, paying off loans, and saving up for your retirement. After doing a little homework on these topics, you'll be in a better position to understand and manage your personal finances. You can then start with documenting your bills, and move on to what you need to repay any loans and other financial responsibilities. Include conventional expenses such as gas money and food money, as well as larger expenses like increased insurance premium payments or the purchase of a new home.

After you've listed down all expenses, you can then come up with a strategy on how to spend, and how much you need to save. Calculate your monthly income, and subtract all expenses from this figure. If you're spending more than you earn, you'll need to look at things you can cut back on so you don't increase your debt to a point that it becomes unmanageable.

Like the majority of Americans, you may have a significant amount of credit card debt. This can be reduced by eliminating the need to pay late fees or other penalties, which in turn can be done by paying on time, all the time. If you can't pay your credit card debts, you may have to eliminate all but one of your credit cards, and use it solely for emergencies.

Oftentimes, not knowing what you spend on may literally cost you a lot. Aside from documenting exactly what you spend on, you can manage your money properly by making good financial decisions, balancing your bank account, and handling debt well. These steps can put you on the path towards great financial health.

by: Carina Smith

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