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subject: It Is Easy To Save Money On Our Teeth [print this page]

Just about every family is facing changes in their financial situations. Most of them are having to learn how to save money on the big expenses. Have you found yourself faced with finding how to save money on braces? Do you have more than one family member that is in need of braces? If you are faced with purchasing braces for one or more family members reading some of the money saving suggestions may provide some much needed help.

Many families have had the same dentist for several years and because of that we feel we must remain loyal to that dentist or orthodontist. However, when making such a large purchase, shopping around is always a good idea. Braces, especially if more than one family member is in need of them, can be more costly than a new household appliance or occasionally more than a used car. You wouldn't purchase either of those items without doing your homework would you?

If you have used the same provider for a while speak with them regarding the services. A line by line cost analysis of the services to install the apparatus itself and the routine maintenance as well as any unforeseen repairs that may be needed should be provided you upon request. Once you have obtained that from your dentist begin by calling around your area and asking other providers for a one time consultation. Have your dentist provide you with your x-rays and inform the other service providers that you have them. This will often save you the cost of new x-rays and will allow them to provide a no cost consultation.

When it comes to taking care of our bodies it is always wise to do our homework before any procedure. Second and third opinions can make all the difference in quality care. It is important to speak with your insurance provider as well to find out the details regarding your coverage for orthodontics. Ask questions such as, do I have to use a certain provider? Is there a cap on the limit of reimbursement I can seek for this procedure and is it a yearly cap or lifetime cap? Do I have to pay the fee up front and seek reimbursement, or do you pay the provider directly? These will all be deciding factors on how you research how to save money on braces.

Price matching in service industries is found more often now that we have embarked on touch economic times. Providers are more willing to work harder to get your business. When you are at the consultation, ask the provider if they will take payments or do they want the money up front. Ask up front if they will match another providers lower price. Don't ignore the possibility of bartering. Now more than ever we are finding providers willing to barter for services they may need in exchange for payment for their services. You of course want of offer services that are legal.

We are currently seeing more and more families without insurance and in need of these types of dental and orthodontic services. Many people think they must simply go without because of the financial situation they are in. However, being creative in your budgeting can help tremendously. Think outside the box when thinking of how to save money on braces.

Discounts are out there to be had, you just need to ask. Will the provider provide discounts for payment in full. How about family discounts? Will the provider give any type of savings or cash incentive for referrals? All of these are valid questions to ask that may potentially save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in the end.

Currently there are dental discount plans available. Be sure when shopping for an orthodontist, ask if they will accept these types of discount plans. If there aren't any providers willing to accept them, it is not worth the investment in the plan. However, if they do accept a discount plan, shop around for the best plan available in your area. The investment of time you make in doing your homework, will no doubt be rewarded with savings in the end.

Put your creative thinking cap on and ask yourself, is there a way to save money on braces? Do your research, invest some time, ask a lot of questions and don't take no for an answer. There are many ways to save money on braces and there are surely ways that anyone can obtain the savings, no matter what the financial status may be.

by: Tom Korprapun

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