subject: All For One Home Health: Facts About Fall Injuries [print this page] But sometimes, the problem of having an illness or disease can lead to another by worsening one's condition. One of the causes of this worsening is fall injuries. Fall injuries are common to elderly people and also those people suffering from different kinds of sickness. All For One Home Health, which provides Fall Injury Prevention Program, presents us facts about fall injuries.
There are many classifications of fall injuries namely Accidental, Unanticipated Physiologic, and Anticipated Physiologic. Let us get to know each classification.
Accidental Falls - Accidental falls are caused by environmental factors. This type occurs when patients fall unintentionally. Causes of this type of fall include tripping, slipping, or falling due to failure of equipment or factors like spilled water on the floor or slippery rags.
Unanticipated Physiologic Falls - This type of fall is caused by personal physical conditions which no one can predict. This occurs when the fall is unforeseen even when basing it to different risk factors present on the patient. Examples of the causes are sudden loss of consciousness, seizure, or bone problems.
Anticipated Physiologic Falls - This type of fall, in contradiction with Unanticipated Physiologic Fall, can be highly predicted. That is because certain conditions by the patient serve as risks in experiencing a fall. Risks may include impaired gait, weak muscles and bones, use of a walking aid, medicines taken, and impaired mental status. Anticipation is measured by Morse Fall Scale or MFS. AllForOne Home HealthCare offers proper monitoring of patients at risk and will also conduct a full fall injury prevention program.
There are two types of risk factors, the internal risk factors and the external risk factors. Internal risk factors are those which are associated with the patient's condition. Some of which are unsteady gait, impaired musculoskeletal system, altered mental status, acute illnesses like orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision, chronic illnesses like parkinsonism, and occurrence of previous fall.
External risk factors are those which are triggered by the environment. Examples of external risk factors are non symmetrical ground surfaces, medications taken such as sedatives and muscle relaxants, inadequate room lighting, slippery surfaces, faulty footwear, inadequate assistive devices and such.
Although fall injuries can happen very quickly, it can still be highly prevented. But before taking any action, it is important that you identify all the factors that may put the patient at risk and bear everything in mind. You can practice the following interventions to prevent them, and you can also seek professional help by visiting All For One Home Health.
Make someone always available to assist the patient. Instruct him or her to call for help whenever he or she needs to use the bathroom etc. Or better yet, never leave the patient unseen.
Provide proper lighting in the patient's room. This will help the patient see things clearly to avoid bumping and sliding.
Make the victim's assistive devices within his or her reach. This is best to observe when you can not be readily available to assist. It encourages independence as well.
There are many other preventive measures in avoiding fall injuries. Always be alert in taking care of the patients. For professional help without having to go to a hospital or nursing home, consult Andy Schott and his team of health professionals to receive quality healthcare right from your own home.
by: Andy Schott
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