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subject: Do You Have A Better Chance Of Getting Pregnant With A Girl Or Boy During Hotter Months Or In The Summer? [print this page]

Do You Have A Better Chance Of Getting Pregnant With A Girl Or Boy During Hotter Months Or In The Summer?

I recently heard from someone who told me that she had heard (and now assumed) that more summer pregnancies resulted in a girl baby so, now that fall was approaching, she had decided to call off trying to get pregnant and wait until next summer to try again. She was so intent on getting a girl baby that she did not want to risk trying to get pregnant in the fall because she was afraid that this would give her a higher chance of conceiving a boy.

Granted, there is a study which indicated that slightly more girls were conceived inwarmer monthsthan boys. But the number differences were not significant enough (at least in my opinion) to derail or delay her entire regimen for a year. I'll look at the study in more detail (and tell you my opinion on timing for a girl conception) in the following article.

The Study Which Implied That More Girls Babies Are Conceived During The Summer Months (But That Spring Was Actually Optimal:) There's a small Italian study which looked at gender ratesat different times (and months) during the year over the course of six years. The studyimplied that the best month for conceiving boys was actually October and the best month for girl babies was actually April (which is technically inthe Spring.)

ButI take these figures with a grain of salt. The numbers were by no means staggering. For example, one figure showed that of the 1,000 babies born during that optimal October, 535 were boy babies while 465 were girls. That's still plenty of girls. And in the optimal girl month (April) there were 513 girls and 487 boys, which of course are plenty of boys among the girls.

The researchers did develop a theory as to why they saw this difference. They theorized that because male babies are weaker and more vulnerable in the womb and during the first few weeks of life, nature helps things along by ensuring that more boys are born when it is warm so that the weather is one less detriment that the weaker boyshave to face.

But, if you buy this theory,you might also want to consider that girl babies are the strongest of the two.They can more easily survive in both cold and warm weather. So, nature has to make no such concessions for female babies.

Controlling What You Can When You Are Trying For A Girl Baby, Regardless Of The Season: Obviously, you can't control what goes in inside your body when you're trying to conceive. You can't go in and make sure that it's a X sperm chromosome that fertilizes your egg and produces a girl. But, you can control some of the variables that go into this.

You can conceive early (before ovulation) since this exploits the shorter life span of the Y or boy producing sperm. For the same reason, you can consume acidic foods and use specific douches to create a more hostile environment for them. And you can know that shallow penetration isn't great for those Y'seither.

Yes, there does appear to be slightly more boys conceived in colder months and therefore born in warmer months. And there seems to be slightly more girls conceived in warmer months and therefore born in colder months.But the differences are not that great and so much would depend on where you live and your location's climate. In my opinion, you're better off controlling what you can and using the tools that allow you to at least estimate if what you are doing is working.

If you happen to bein awarm month or live in warm climate when you're seeing indications that you've reached your optimal girl conception day, then that's great. But in this situation, I didn't see any reason to wait another year to attempt to conceive based only on the weather.

I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find: resources for douche recipes and food PH lists; step by step instructions; resources for determining ovulation times; examples of good PH and ovulation predictors; information on when to conceive; and support.

If you want a girl baby, check out

If you want a boy baby, check out

Do You Have A Better Chance Of Getting Pregnant With A Girl Or Boy During Hotter Months Or In The Summer?

By: Sandy Dean

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