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Get Free Traffic For Your Online Business

The most important part of your online business or any other business is to be exposed to a very large audience. In this article, we'll be discussing online businesses and what good marketing can do profit margins.

All online business owners are struggling to bring visitors to their website. For sure they have some great search engines to make their virtual store come alive but they can be very expensive. PPC (pay per click) for instance if very effective when the proper keywords are used, but can be costly if ranking on first page is the goal because the price of each click keeps rising.

Let me give you an example of what PPC can cost. You have a website that sells hand crafted picture frames. You make an ad that says "Got a painting to hang, hand crafted pictures are available here" your url. You have used keyword analysis to find out that "picture frames" is very competitive. In your research, you also know that there is over 500,000 monthly search results and you want a piece of the pie. You also know that your PPC cost will be $4.31 per click. This means that every time the search engine posts your ad (call impressions) and a searcher clicks on your ad, you've just been billed $4.31 and you may or may not have sold one single picture frame. You can make a daily budget that the search engine will respect in your campaign setting but still can be very expensive.

There is a very effective way that you can have amazing results without spending a single dime. Free marketing tactics involve social medias like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, blogging, article submission, video marketing, forum posting, podcasts, audio files.

Your first objective, create a blog. Your blog will be your hub, the central point of your social network. You will use your blog to post interesting information about yourself, your business, your perspective in life and so much more. This is a place where you'll be explaining in details how you picture frames are exclusive but revealing how they are made. How much time is needed to make every one of them a masterpiece. Also, you'll be using your blog to bond with your potential customers by creating friendships. People need to see the other side of you, not only the business side. When your visitors see that you make complete sense, they'll subscribe to your RSS feed so that they can find out at any time if you have posted new content to your blog. Then, you must open free accounts with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Squidoo, etc...and link them together. By doing this, your blog followers with follow you on these sites and possibly refer you and your product to their friends list. You'll soon see the traffic to your website increase dramatically without even having to spend a single dime. Stay tune for part 2 that will give you more information.

Wishing you success

Sylvain Rochon

by: Sylvain Rochon

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