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subject: How A Cisco Phone Can Help Your Business [print this page]

How A Cisco Phone Can Help Your Business

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express offers the smaller business the kind of slick, sophisticated telephone system facilities and capabilities normally associated with large companies and corporate giants, thus enabling your business to be far more efficient and professional when it comes to a business pre-requisite - the ability and capability to communicate, both within the organisation and externally with colleagues and customers.

The system boasts a host of intelligent features, all of which were only previously available through far more expensive systems. They are now available to businesses of all sizes, bringing sophisticated telecommunications within reach. Aside from availing yourself of more communication functions, the system offers overall increased productivity as colleagues can communicate far more quickly and effectively. All staff will have the ability to access contact and presence information immediately, knowing when a colleague is out of the office and how that person can be contacted. In addition the system can instantly access customer data.

The system links multi communication platforms, voice integrates with video and wireless capabilities, and are all operated from a single server; multiple servers, with all of the costs and potential for technical malfunctions associated with them will become a thing of the past.

Greater mobility is also provided in that the system can forward to mobiles, home phones or a dedicated landline elsewhere. High quality video calls, in conjunction with Cisco Unified Video Advantage, are also part of the package.

To conclude, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express is a faster, better, more efficient and cost-effective way to communicate. Colleagues can work better together and data and departments are brought together. Thus your business will become much more responsive and effective to customer needs. This is a system that will enable your company to access better communications; philosophically and technically. Your service or product offering will be perceived in a far more positive light by existing and potentially new customers, thus you become a better, more competitive and appealing prospect as a business.

by: David Harris.

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