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Google Cash Sniper - 5 Critical Features That Will Blow Your Mind

When I first heard about Google Cash Sniper I was extremely sceptical. After all it seems a new affiliate marketing/AdSense product comes out every week claiming to be the latest thing with completely revolutionary tactics. I was asked to promote the product by Chris Fox (the creator) before the launch in July - so I went under the hood and tested out the contents of the course. In this review I reveal the 5 most critical features which I feel make g c sniper worth ten times the current discounted investment..

Critical Feature 1 - Simple Keyword Research

Keyword research to many affiliate marketers is like homework - its something we know we have to do but would rather be doing something else - like making money! So we ignore it (c'mon I have as well) and we usually pay the consequences - right? Great news is that Chris completely simplifies the whole process of keyword research and shows you EXACTLY where you need to be putting your efforts. Bottom line is he shows you how to do effective keyword research in minutes not hours, and how to target buying keywords which will lead to more profits. Simple - huh?

Critical Feature 2 - Content Creation On AutoPilot

In the second module of the course Chris completely flips the lid on the secrets of content creation. He shows you exactly who to go to get cheap quality content and how to get it magically spun so that you can submit the content across the web. My jaw dropped when I got to this section - this is stuff that took me years to figure out - and cost me thousand's to test to find the best providers. You get it all within seconds of logging in to Google Cash Sniper. Pretty neat.

Critical Feature 3 - Complete Content Submission Plan

Without doubt one of the most useful things in the entire course is the little section on how to submit your content - and EXACTLY where to submit it to. Chris included a list of the exact time frame and exactly where to submit your content to. He reveals the top 5 article directories, the cheapest and most effective directory submission service, and the top web 2.0 sites guaranteed to get you targeted traffic and higher rankings in the search engines. This has got to be one of the biggest things in this google cash sniper review.

Critical Feature 4 - Creating & Maintaining Your Network For Turbo Charged Results

The bigger picture of the product is to create a network of articles and sites focussed on driving quality traffic and climbing the search rankings. Chris gives you the exact blueprint and critical steps including pinging, web video submissions and blogging to achieve this is in the shortest space of time.

Critical Feature 5 - Auto Blog Poster & Footer Ad Autoresponder Bonus

There are also some amazing Google cash sniper bonuses which come bundled with the product. These would cost a fortune if you were to buy them independently. The auto blog poster allows you to completely schedule and re-load the content you want to submit to your blog saving you hours. The footer ad bonus allows you to magically insert an auto responder ad in the footer of very blog post - this is the fastest way to increase your list and takes minutes to implement.


Google Cash sniper is the real deal when it comes to a step-by-step blueprint to achieve significant ongoing profits on autopilot. The only drawback for me was the amount of video material - I personally prefer to breeze through readings and it is something you can not do with video. All in all it is a highly effective system full of unique tactics and secrets I know are going to upset a lot of gurus. I say get in quick.

Now Pay Close Attention --

On the next page you will take a sneak peak at the upcoming release of this crazy $4,000 day system for driving herds of targeted traffic to any site, affiliate or product and dump wads of cash into your bank account using free traffic from the dark corners of the internet

[VIDEO] ==> $120k a month from this little method... Without paying a single cent for traffic.

So if you want to take a behind the curtain pre-release look at the free traffic secret that is about to shake the internet to its core then I strongly recommend you read everything on the next page before it's too late!

Watch This Video ==> $120k a month from this little method... Without paying a single cent for traffic.

Google Cash Sniper - 5 Critical Features That Will Blow Your Mind

By: churches kouri

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