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subject: Can You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing And Build a Profitable Business? [print this page]

Can You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing And Build a Profitable Business?

Affiliate marketing is great for manufacturers because they can get visitors to their website who will hopefully purchase their product. However, just how profitable is it for the affiliates themselves?

There are different types of programs. The most popular are:

-Pay Per Click (PPC)

-Pay Per Lead (PPL)

-Pay Per Sale (PPS)

With PPC, an ad will be posted on the affiliate's site. When someone clicks on it, the affiliate will receive a small commission. Of course, not everyone is going to buy something.

Through PPL, the affiliate can send a lead that will not only click to the website, but will also browse and navigate within it. This means that they could be an even better potential customer, thus letting the affiliate receive a higher commission.

With a PPS program, the affiliate won't get paid until the customer who clicks through to the website buys something. This one is riskier, but can earn a higher commission rate-anywhere from 25%-70%.

With all of these, especially with PPS, you want to ensure that the people who are clicking through have information such as articles and testimonials about the product that will make them want to click on the ad.

There are also two-tiered affiliate marketing programs that pay not only by the clicks that you get from your website, but also through clicks that are received from affiliates that you recommended.

Residual income affiliate marketing also works well since the affiliate could possibly get paid more than once for the same buyer. Not only would the affiliate get paid the first time the visitor clicks through, but also when the customer comes back later and buys something else. Money earned can be based on either a commission percentage or a set fee.

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Now Pay Close Attention --

On the next page you will take a sneak peak at the upcoming release of this crazy $4,000 day system for driving herds of targeted traffic to any site, affiliate or product and dump wads of cash into your bank account using free traffic from the dark corners of the internet

[VIDEO] ==>

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Watch This Video ==> $120k a month from this little method... Without paying a single cent for traffic.

Can You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing And Build a Profitable Business?

By: early snock

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