subject: Income Payment Protection Insurance What Does This Entail? [print this page] Based on what are your monthly outgoings, you need to arrive at a suitable policy coverage for you. Jot down your monthly outgoings such as your store card bills, credit card bills, mortgage payments, mobile bills, food bills, power bills etc. You will then be able to decide better which coverage encompasses all these categories. An income protection insurance is more generic and can be used to cover all your expenses, not particularly mortgages.
It is basically, a compensatory income that helps you cover your monthly expenses when you are temporarily out of employment. Situations when you could possibly be out of employment. Sickness, redundancy, accident and unemployment are the eventualities that may compel you to be out of employment. To protect your income from such eventualities, you need a comprehensive policy in place.
You can then decide how much of your monthly income you plan to protect. Once, you decide your limit you are rest assured for the rest of your life that this portion of your income will be paid out to you in case any eventuality strikes. The amount you chose to insure is the total sum of money you would receive back if you are incapacitated. This amount you insure will help you enjoy tax exemptions as per the income tax policy. Enjoy tax free income besides getting your monthly earning protected.
Your income protection policy will cover your:
Medical expenses
Mortgage payments
Store card payments
Credit card payment
Other monthly expenses
Attain mental peace with a suitable insurance coverage. If any inevitability occurs, you can live in the hope that the insurance company will rescue you. This type of insurance serves as a supplemental income that is dispersed to a person after they lose their job or if they are laid off. The caveat with most of these types of insurance is that a person must be laid off and not fired or the policy will not take effect. The difference in being laid off means the company is not doing well enough to keep its work force, while being fired means a person was a bad worker or was negligent.
by: Kirthy Shetty
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