subject: Everything You Need To Know About Consumer Loans [print this page] A personal loan (consumer loan, private loan) could be an option, if you are short on money. But before you are raising a loan, you better learn about concepts like security, fees and interest rates.
So what is a consumer loan? A consumer loan is a loan taken by an individual. Normally the loans are raised to pay for some kind of buying expense (like a television or a vacation). But it can also be relevant to take a loan to pay other debt. If you raise a loan for a house, it is called a mortgage loan (and cannot be compared to a personal loan).
Normally you raise a loan in your bank or at an individual lender. A private loan is normally paid back after everything from half a year to five years (compared to the 20 to 30 years for a mortgage loan).
If you have some kind of security like a house or a car, you can raise a secured loan. In case you fail to pay back your loan, the debt will be settles against the security asset. The advantage of this kind of loan is that it is cheaper than an unsecured loan, because the lender do not have to take a big risk. But you have to think about the risk of losing your home or car, if you cannot pay the loan.
If you cannot (or do not want to) supply any kind of security asset, you should raise an unsecured loan. In this case you will not lose your car or house, if you cannot pay. The lender takes a big risk with this kind of loan, so it is normally much more expensive. And it can be very difficult to raise a unsecured loan, if you have a bad credit history or if you are unemployed.
Before rising a loan, must look at the interest rate. It is a good idea to compare the rates on the internet. You can also ask more than one bank to get the best rate. You can save a lot of money this way.
The interest rate do also depend upon how much you like to borrow and how long time you need to pay the amount back. So you have to clarify your needs to find out for how long time, you need the loan; if it is too short, if can get in trouble find the money, but if it is too long, you will pay too much in interests.
But the rate is not the only thing to decide the price of your loan. The other factor is the charge to raise the loan. Often will it be the same no matter if you are borrowing $1,000 or $10,000. So many small loans can be very expensive in the long run.
by: Martin Elmer
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