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subject: The Good And The Bad Of Using The Plastic Business Cards [print this page]

The Good And The Bad Of Using The Plastic Business Cards

Businesses are turning to plastic cards more and more today, and for good reason. There are some really good advantages to using plastic instead of the traditional stock paper cards, but there are also some disadvantages as well. In order to decide for yourself which is right for you, here are some things you should know about them.

The plastic business cards are a great way to increase your business in a variety of ways. Compared to paper cards they are much more durable. These cards can be given out knowing that they won't get torn up in someone's wallet or purse, or break down in the washing machine. With these cards you can find the same number of designs to select from as with the other paper cards, and these will not lose their color over time. Many companies now offer these plastic business cards, more than could be found several years ago.

Usually there is an imprinted number or strip on plastic cards, so whenever a customer uses it, you can instantly know what they are buying, allowing your to track products bought and sold more effectively. You can then customize your purchasing, so you're not ordering products that don't sell. This cuts down on overhead costs, because there isn't items sitting in storage, taking up space. There is more customer satisfaction, because they get what they want right then and don't have to wait.

You can reduce your cost of advertising and marketing by the use of these plastic cards, this loyalty or discount card does the work for you, and you won't need to spend so much added capital on promotion of your product or business. Owners can in turn use these plastic cards to have more powerful purchases, and catch great deal for services or the desired products they are purchasing. This is just one of the benefits that make people use these cards.

Customers can feel specials through using the plastic business cards, and they also feel more inclined to use them opposed to regular paper cards, increasing the sales overall. They also feel as though they are getting certain benefits and discounts that other customers aren't getting without the plastic cards.

Just as these are some of the pros to using plastic business cards there are some cons to them too. Since these are plastic they will not decompose like paper which can increase the problem at landfills.

While they can be stunning with the right design, they can also be more expensive to make, take longer to produce, and so you will have to wait longer to get them back from the company. Once they have been printed, it is harder to get changes done, and this in itself can be expensive.

With numerous businesses today providing plastic business cards, it is wise to compare pricing options. These can cost more than the traditional cards, so you should be certain that you get the best price possible while still getting quality. So don't rush into a purchase, research these businesses, and discover which one will best fill your needs. You should also think about the cost of shipping, and how many designs and print fonts you have to choose from. The shipping could be better though on plastic due to it being lighter than paper.

by: Mankit Chan

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