subject: Where To Buy Online The Best Wholesale Products With Escrow Secure Payment? [print this page] There are many places offering variety of wholesale products from A-Z.To find quality supplier could be a tedious and sometimes even costly task.Mainly in case you have to pay for the samples to check product's quality and reliablity. As Mr. Vit Jiracek director of DoTradeEasy Ltd., wholesale online shopping portal said: There are still many wholesale buyers taking the risk and paying for the samples without any success in case of the real product delivery. Even if the suppliers are approved by trade portals there is no security so that is why DoTradeEasy offers Escrow payment tool.
This simple and effient system allows buyer to pay for the goods via third party. As soon as payment is made, third party announces seller that he has been paid. Then successfully delivered and received goods is verified by buyer and the funds are released to the seller. If there is any problem or no reaction from the seller side buyer will get back his payment within 14 days. Full buyers protection is very important in these days.
This system is more convenient for lower value items and samples than for huge orders and high value items. The reason is that any payment gateway is able to proceed just limited value transactions. Also each provider has to deduct some transaction fees and in case of mutli thousand dollar products its better to use ordinary business tools such as letter of credit or Incoterms. Nice example could be paypal where you would hardly see proceeding high amounts.
DoTradeEasy is B2B trade portal where you can find suppliers, manufacturers, dropship suppliers and buy securely wholesale products online. As there is also a chance to get trade leads which you are looking for the system is called B2B lead generation tool.
Variety of industries gives high number of businesses chance to benefit from this E-commerce tool. The number of businesses joining DoTradeEasy is growing fast. No risk, free to start opportunity for anyone who does his business seriously.
by: Vit jiracek
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