subject: Sex is everywhere: Childhoods under attack -- Be involved in your child's life [print this page] Many times, I have heard parents discount the stressors our kids are under these days. If you think this, consider the following:
I recently heard a "funny" story about rape on my favorite radio (not news) station. When I was a child, such a story would captivate, scare and even repulse us to imagine that rape could happen. Nowadays, such sad, sad stories are heard everyday, everywhere.
Sex is everywhere -- magazines, radio, newspaper, billboards, computer,hand-held computers (a la phones and other electronic gadgets that relay everything imaginable. When we were young, I bet many of could not fathom what a computer was let alone try and imagine the power it now commands in our lives. I am also concerned that all these hand-held devices and enhanced computer programs may provide more stimulation than our youngster's still-developing minds can manage.
Abuse reports a plenty - There are more people, committing more crimes, affecting more of us. Few elementary school children I have met with relay being scar-free, as most can share personal details of seeing or experiencing abuse, suffering, and so forth.
Expectations of school -- When I was a child, the goal of high school was to best prepare us for college. Nowadays, that starts is middle and elementary schools. Statewide testing scores are the priority. Class sizes are through the roof in some districts and this means less individual attention, and less encouragement because teachers only have so much to go around.
Statistically significant more separations / divorce with more children having children meaning we'll run into more parenting struggles.
How do we help? Be there for your children. Talk with them about their days and what they are experiencing. Normalize the expectations they may have and do not discount their efforts. Just the opposite; highlight every positive thing they are doing from getting up and going to school to work they are turning in, asking for help when they need it, to chores and other things. If you need to, reach out for support yourself and please consider counseling for additional support.