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Texas Hold Em Tricks - 3 Tricks How To Take Advantage Of Newbies

If there is a newbie player at your table, these Texas Hold Em tricks will help you get as much money as possible out of him.

No matter what stage of development in poker you are at, it is vitally important to understand how to take advantage of different types of players. There are a multitude of different Texas Hold Em tricks you can use for different types of players.

Texas Hold Em Tricks - 3 Ways To Hold Newbies To Ransom

1) Use Pure Odds Against Them

Most of the time newbie players don't quite have odds grasped. Sure, they know that a three of a kind is better than a two pair, but they have no idea of their odds of getting either.

You can use this to your advantage because you can stack the odds in your favour by only playing hands you are more likely to win. They won't be doing this on their hands, so you will pick up wins when they shouldn't have been in the hand anyway.

2) Maximise Your Aggressive Play

Newbie players have most likely grasped the basics of betting. They know that they betting can be used for or against a hand, that you can check or be check-raised, and that usually people who have good hands bet.

You can use this against them because a newbie is more likely to believe that when you make a big bet you have a good hand - even if you don't. So using an aggressive style of play, and following up with continuation bets, can often be very beneficial.

3) Abuse Your Position Without Halt

Newbie players almost never have table position grasped. They are flat out remembering what a blind is and who's turn it will be next. They have no idea of the table dynamics and how money flows clockwise.

You can use this to your advantage because a newbie will take on almost anyone when he is playing. When you have the upper hand due to table position you can abuse this. Increase your wins or reduce your losses - either way you are going to be coming out ahead.

So it doesn't matter whether they are tight, loose, young, old, experienced or completely new - there is always a specific technique you can use to maximise your profits while protecting your backside. Use these Texas Hold Em tricks the next time you are at a table with a newbie and see how well they do to increase your overall bottom line.

Texas Hold Em Tricks - 3 Tricks How To Take Advantage Of Newbies

By: Alex Poker

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