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subject: The Okidata C5150 - A Must-have Tool For Any Business [print this page]

The Okidata C5150 - A Must-have Tool For Any Business

It was January 1881 when the Okidata Company was first established. They manufactured the first telephone in 1881, just five years after Alexander Graham invented it. This brought a revolution and opened doors for a lot of new technology yet to come. Gradually, Okidata moved in electronics business around in the late 1960s and early 1970s. As technological needs emerged, Okidata shifted its business activities and indulged in offering more product range like dot printers, tele-printers, typewriters, fax machines, electro printers, businesses-use PC, and network solutions. Okidata c5150 Printer and the Okidata c5150 compatible toner is another proud Japanese product to help make businesses work better.

This huge sized printer and Okidata printer toner cartridges actually owns quite salient features, which are capable of producing a large number of prints, which can be utilized for the hectic workload needs of an office. Printing chores that were tough were never easy before, until this one came in spotlight.

Electro photographic technology built into the new Okidata printers, which are capable of giving good quality results. As the era is changing, the shift to laser printers is good to meet print needs of sufficient quality. This printer actually has the ability to produce quality results. It is manufactured to be a workhorse and print the maximum up to the output.

A few years back, inkjet laser technology was ruling the market but the problems encountered commonly were smudged texts. Laser printer results are rather in a safe zone, which gives it an edge over others. It also has a built in RAM that adds benefit along with the toner cartridge that works longer than other available options in the market. While other ink cartridges are not able to perform that efficiently, which gets expensive when compared to the laser printers.

With thirty-two MB built in, though sounds not sufficient when compared to other devices that come with the perquisites of huge memories, it seems sufficient for saving the frequent printing jobs. This saves the time and effort to send a printing command every time for the same print job, increasing the effectiveness.

As this printer comes with the Ethernet port this actually makes it a blessing to be connect to the network of computers. It is a cost benefit solution, as well as efficient in processing commands from various computers. Thus, downloading commands for prints was never easier.

This printer has the ability to give 50,000 pages every month, showing the maximum limit of commands it can print. The purpose to serve the workload performs better if this printer is operated in a work environment.

by: Ben Pate.

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