subject: Universal Health Care Passed, Time to Get the New Universal Health Insurance Rates! [print this page] Universal Health Care Means Discounted Rates
I assume most (maybe all) Americans know about the upcoming health insurance changes, but little do they know! You could save some serious money on your health insurance costs with this upcoming health care reform bill.
The media has been flooding us with universal health care related news, which is logical because it might be one of the most important 'changes' Obama has been talking about for such a long time.
Well, as of this morning, Obama's new health care reform plan did finally pass! It contains a series of changes when compared to the old version (the Senate universal health care bill.)
One was the addition of a new Health Insurance Rate Authority, an idea recently introduced by Dianne Feinstein. Now this is a very interesting idea, and seems to give a lot of people a chance to save on their insurance costs.
But I must warn you, although it's called 'free' & 'universal' health care, anything run by the government isn't really free. This is because 'we', the people of the United States, pay our government through taxes. Even if the tax rates don't get raised, the expenses for universal health care will have to be paid. This could mean a cut in other government expenses; such as education or defense.
So who saves?
Well here is the good news; the average Joe will save, will save A LOT even because of the new health insurance reform. Don't worry; even if you're not the average Joe you should be able to save some decent money every month.
What is determining how much you could save with the new universal health care in place?
Well, a number of factors are relevant - including income, age, location and family size.
As most of the times nowadays, the internet is the first to respond. There are multiple insurance companies who can provide you a new health insurance quote, which includes the new health insurance rate authority.
We tried out multiple health insurance quote sources:
Some good & some bad.
One was really sticking out (in a positive way).
We suggest that if you are interested in your own personalized health reform rates (which you should be), you get ahealth quote by clicking here.