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subject: Blog Residual Cash To Your Business [print this page]

Blog Residual Cash To Your Business

One way of making money on the web is to find explosive niches to blog about, wildly popular topics that people go online to research and read. For example, you can start a web site devoted to a successful Television shows with a huge audience. This ensures interest in your web site, which is the first step in generating money online: providing something that people find valuable.

This is what it means to find explosive niches to blog; you want to provide a forum where individuals enthusiastic about a certain topic can congregate and exchange views. In order to make money, the topic has to be "explosive" but "niche" - popular but not so popular where you are likely to be a Johnny-come-lately to the proceedings.

The trick is to find that delicate balance where the territory is still fresh enough, so to speak, so that you can claim your own stake, and territory that isn't so out of the way such that really few people will be interested in dropping by (your website).

That's how you can blog residual cash to your business, making money even while you sleep because the whole thing is computerized and automated! The idea is that you have what's known as a turn-key system set up which will basically run on its own without needing your constant supervision.

So to continue with our Television show example from above, you would produce a web site devoted to that Tv show, with gossip, news, and reviews about the stars, episodes, and plotlines - anything that would be of interest to a fan of that show. This show has to be popular enough to assure you of numbers (extremely important as any salesman will tell you: only 1-3% of "eyeballs" actually "convert" into real sales - money in your pocket), but not so popular such that other individuals already have web sites up (which you will be hard-pressed to steal readers from!).

by: Saul Goodman.

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