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Points to Ponder When Starting Your Own Business

Starting your own business can be tricky at times. Especially when it is your first time to do it, and you have no one to mentor you on what type of business will you put up and how you run it eventually.

The first step is to come up with an idea, or choose a business that you are going to create. As first timers, it is hard to choose sometimes be cause you want to do it right. That's just normal. But staying too long in studying a business of your choice could lead you to analysis-paralysis as they call it. I want you to consider these two points, that might help you get up from where you got stuck:

1. Business is just buy and sell.

If you truly understand this principle, starting your own business can not be that confusing. Whether you want to do traditional business, internet marketing, or network marketing, it doesn't matter. There has to be valuable products to be sold or services to be rendered.

You buy low, you sell it high.

If you bear this in mind all the time, you will then only consider2 things before you start:legitimacy and profitability. Scammers can not fool you if you stick to this principle.

2. Business is relationship building.

Business is all about relationships. Build trusts and maintain friendships. Everything in between will be just exchanging of goods You cannot stabilize your workforce, if you do not build trusts between business partners and employees. Your business will not have sustainability if you do not make friends with the customers.

A friend of mine once told me that he quit doing his business because he doesn't want to get "bugged" up by clients from time to time. His partners became successful in the business even when he left. You've got to be a people-person. You've got to be a leader.

"... people do business with people, not technology!" - Prosperity Central

The next time you read about a "bot that will turn your laptop into an atm machine", forget about it. No technology will make you rich. But you can leverage with the technology to make things faster and more accessible. Thus, growing your business rapidly. As long as your market will be humans, you've got to connect and interact with them in any way. The more personal, the better.

Points to Ponder When Starting Your Own Business

By: Paul Dumanig

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