subject: Excellent,Guaranteed,Insured,Green Investment in 2000 m2 to 1 ha Plots of Timber Producing Land with 18.7% Guaranteed Returns [print this page] Be wise,think GREEN,invest in renewable & sustainable resources and save our planet!!!
Would you like 93,5% returns on your capital invested paid directly into your bank account in USD's every 5 years?
If you purchase a 1 ha plot, your capital and 18,7% returns per annum are guaranteed as your money and title deed are managed in a FSA regulated trust fund, Citadel Trustees Limited in the UK. If you purchase a 2000 m2 plot your capital and 17,1% returns per annum are guaranteed.
Alternative Investments,Green Investments & Timber Investments with guaranteed returns are excellent low risk opportunities in sustainable
& renewable resources with massive environmental & humanitarian benefits in the current volatile world economy!!!
Silva Tree is a fully incorporated Central American company specializing in environmental development. Our Directors have 17 years
of forestry experience as well as strong business and financial backgrounds. The Silva Tree group currently has offices in Costa Rica,
Panama, Spain and the United Kingdom and are involved in programs dealing with conservation, reforestation and renewable energy.
Silva Tree design and develop environmental projects around the world, working with a team of lawyers, accountants and trustees to create a
safe and practical investment structure for each ethical investment opportunity offered. By selling small parts of our own projects, Silva
Tree facilitate greater environmental benefits than we would achieve on our own, as well as offering ethical, safe and diverse investment
products with unrivaled returns. .
Our funds are operated by an Citadel Trustees Limited, an FSA-
regulated trustee and offer highly regulated investments with
excellent returns.
Citadel Trustees Limited
Citadel's highly experienced team has been providing trustee and stakeholder services to the leisure and real estate industries for
more than 25 years, handling in excess of 65 million/$130 million of client funds annually.
Citadel Trustees Limited, was formed to provide specialized trustee services in a variety of areas such as stakeholder activities,
conveyancing services, shared ownership, private residence clubs and probate administration.
Citadel's Head Office is based in Camberley, Surrey, United Kingdom and the company has branch offices, or associated companies in Spain,
India, Thailand and China from which it services its international client base.
Princess Project
The Princess Project is a pioneering reforestation venture in central Panama. 1,500 hectares of land, currently used for cattle grazing, are
being reforested with the fast growing tree Paulownia Elongata (also known as Princess Tree or Empress Tree). Paulownia is a fascinating
species; believed to be the fastest growing hardwood in the world, it can be harvested 4-5 times in the space of just one Teak harvest and
it provides an array of environmental benefits, from soil regeneration to an extraordinary rate of carbon dioxide uptake.
The Princess Project is a commercial timber plantation which is also being developed as a Carbon Offset Project, following CDM guidelines
developed for the Kyoto Protocol and verified to meet VCS and CCB standards, with environmental and socioeconomic benefits at the core
of the project. The trees will be harvested after their fifth year of growth and sold as a sustainable timber product. New trees will
regenerate from the roots to create three more cycles of growth and harvest over the 20 year project term. The investment opportunity is
based on the sale of the project's timber to a commercial wood trader.
Timber Investment
All Silva Tree investment opportunities are genuine environmental projects that happen to be open to investment, not the other way
around. We develop programs that we believe are important, and expand them by offering private individuals to participate. We make our money
the same way you do; from our projects' yields.
After oil, timber is the most intensively traded raw material in the world. The (FAO) expects that this demand will experience a further
rise of 50%. The present supply of hardwoods from managed plantations cannot meet this need.
In the current property and financial climate, sustainable forestry projects offer a low-risk investment opportunity with additional
environmental benefits. The Princess project is the only timber investment to offer guaranteed returns* payable in just 5 short years.
The Princess Tree, officially known as Paulownia, is recognized as the fastest growing hardwood in the world. The timber it produces is
durable and strong, lightweight and fire resistant. Unlike other Tropical timbers, the demand for Paulownia is not being met by
abundance of plantations and, as a carbon reducing facility; it absorbs more CO2 than any other Tropical plantation tree. The world
market price, supply and demand, speed of growth and quick return on investment make Paulownia an ideal commercial plantation tree.
Moreover, a buyer for the timber has already been found with an insured purchase guarantee in place, ensuring your investment return
is completely guaranteed.
Private investors are invited to join in this project by purchasing individual plots of land providing net returns of 18.7% per annum over a total investment period of twenty years (applicable to investments made before the 1st January 2010). Not just an exceptional financial
investment, buyers can enjoy a variety of tax breaks, assurance of security and enjoy the environmental benefits and community
initiatives facilitated by the project.
Key points
Low investment amount from just $35,000 USD per unit
Gross return of $145,200 USD over 20 years Guaranteed returns of 18.7% p.a. for 20 years Returns paid every 5 years
Tax advantages
SIPP qualified
CO2 climate change mitigation
Benefits to local communities
Land held in trust
Timber buyer with insured guarantee
Based on introductory purchase price of 35,000 USD applicable to all purchases made before 30.06.2010.
Investment returns
The investor will receive 660 trees per hectare of land purchased
A lease will be registered in his/her name for 21 years, which will produce 4 timber harvests
A purchase price of USD 275 per m3 of timber is guaranteed by World
Paulownia LLC, if the investor wishes to take this option
A 5-year old Paulownia tree produces at least 0.2m3 of processed wood
The total m3 produced per plot over the 4 harvests is 528 m3 Based on a $35,000 USD investment (available until Jul 2010), this will provide a return of $145,200 USD per plot
The harvesting, processing and transportation will be carried out by a management company of your choice (unless you wish to organise it
yourself) which is likely to charge 10% of the value of your timber sales This produces a net return of 18.7% per annum over 20 years, after the initial investment amount has been deducted
Community projects
In order to qualify for high quality Carbon offset credits, our project has to deliver a wide array of socioeconomic benefits. The
Princess Project is designed according to the CCB Standard with emphasis on reducing poverty in developing countries.
Aside from the community projects regularly organized by Silva Tree such as the sponsorship of local schools and providing research
opportunities to educational institutions, the Princess Project itself will benefit local communities. Local staff will be employed to work the land belonging to Silva Tree, and farmers will be invited to inter plant crops on the project land. This will give people the
opportunity to grow food for themselves and their families, or sell their produce to generate an income for themselves.