subject: How Professionals Build Their Home Business Online [print this page] Everyone has their own ideas about how to build a home business. Most people decide to try it when a friend introduces them to the network marketing or direct sales industry. The one constant is that almost everyone who decides to get into the Industry sooner or later figures out they will need an additional source of leads for their business besides their personal contact list. If that is you it means you will have to learn how to use the Internet to grow your home business.
The Internet is the most powerful tool ever invented that a home business owner can use because there are so many options on how to utilize it. One option is to find sources online to buy leads for your home business. This can be challenging and costly depending on who you buy from, how interested the prospect is in your product, service, or opportunity, how experienced you are at converting those leads to team members and what percentage of the leads you can convert.
One thing is for sure. There is no way you will find leads to buy online that haven't been already sold or won't be sold more than one time. No matter how much those companies assure you otherwise if you think you can buy fresh, unique, targeted just for you leads then you are in fantasyland and I have a bridge in New York City I want to sell to you, CHEAP. Some of those sites actually price their leads according to how many times they have sold them and tell you so.
A different option is to learn how to generate your own leads. Some people are very effective at generating their own leads but there are many who are struggling with it. Training is the key difference. It is easy to put up ads, pay for website designs, and make attempts at marketing and driving traffic but unless you know what works you can waste a lot of time and money.
You can spend the same amount of time failing as you can succeeding. The marketers who are effective are using proper methods, modern tools to save time, building a list of prospects and positioning themselves as leaders. That is key because people want to join leaders that can help them get where they want to be.
The advantage of generating your own leads is they are targeted to your opportunity or product, they are uniquely yours, interested in getting more info from you and there is an unlimited supply. Starting out on the right foot really helps too because, as with anything else, you will only get better with experience.
It does mean there will be other things to learn. You will need to have contact information capture pages or squeeze pages and sites to send your prospects to after they have given you their info. You will also have to learn how to write effective ads or content and how to drive traffic to your sites
It is easy to spot the struggling amateur marketer from the professional Internet marketer. The amateur wastes a lot if time and money on methods that don't work and can damage their chances of success. They also send out links to their company replicated site at first contact and only try to promote their product or opportunity. They also can come off as desperate because the only chance they have of making any money is to sign someone up into their primary company whereas a professional marketer will have several income streams set up with a variety of products and price ranges for options.
Remember in history class learning about the gold rush back in the 1800's? The smart marketers of that time were the ones making all the money then too. But they were not digging for gold. They were selling the tools, the picks, the shovels, the prospecting pans and all the gear. A professional Internet marketer does the same thing. It is very smart to bring expert training and effective tools and services to the market because it gives your team members a better chance of succeeding.
There are two types of marketers who are effective. One type is the professionals with years of experience and the other type is the marketers who get training from those who know how to market. It only makes sense to get training on what works because otherwise you are competing with experienced professionals in their field. It is easy to jump in and try and a lot of people do because they think it will be easy but there is a lot of competition out there who know what to do.
If you are trying to build a network marketing business using the Internet you really have to put yourself in your prospects shoes. Who would you rather join or just take advice from? Would it be the wannabe who sends a link to their company replicated website at first contact? Or, would it be the marketer that gave you great tips up front and offered access to training on methods and tools that successful marketers are using?
Amateurishly spamming all the new online contacts you can make is way different from learning and providing valuable marketing skills and offering expert training and the chances of success are way different too. Everyone has their own choice but to me there is no choice when it comes to succeeding in my home business.
by: Dan Lambeth.
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