subject: Do You Want To Make Money Online The Fastest Possible, You Want It By Tomorrow Right? [print this page] Can you believe that an ordinary guy without any internet marketing experience can make money online in less than a week?
I strongly believe that it's ALWAYS important to build an internet business that can generate money on autopilot it's not just about making money online.
And as a matter of fact, I usually get upset when anyone asks me a question like...
"Can you teach me how to make money online in a week?"
In my point of view, its 'not that easy' to make money online for a newbie and it'll take at least 6 weeks to get on the right track. I even think that it's not right' in the first place to have that kind of silly hope.
**BUT**... I realized how I'm shutting myself and my client's potential because I'm being a Smart Alec. I'm being ignorant. There's completely nothing wrong with wishful thinking of making money online without spending the time to learn and putting effort, AND wanting to see money in your Paypal within the next days.
Yes, it is possible and I can prove it to you. No list, no product, no JVs, no nothing.
The only concern is this-- you just got to know how to differentiate a real business and the process of making money online.
An internet business is a platform to make money online. But making money online does not mean you have an internet business.
There are two ways to go about when making money on the internet which i have just mentioned earlier. The first one is to build a real internet business and in this method normally you'll have to select the niche market based on your current expertise, what you like or if it's your hobby. The strategy for this is to dominate the sub-niche of the pursued niche market and grow it 'deep'.
Or you can build an internet business based on your million-dollar idea like the next or on something great.
Another method is, to break the 'rule' of building a real business is by setting up as many 'income generators' as you can on the internet. For instance, you can put up ads to promote affiliate programs. As you can imagine, this is really quick because it doesn't require any product creation or even a website.
The internet marketing game is very simple to play if you know how the more presence' you can have on the internet, the more money you'll start to see. The game for this is so simple -- the more you can put up on the internet, the higher the chance of success and the richer you'll be.
The good thing about this method compared to the first one is you have minimal risk and you'll start seeing income as you go along.
BUT THIS IS THE PROBLEM -- you desperately need SPEED. If you don't use software or hire people to do the mechanical work for you, you just can't put up enough 'income generators' on the internet. My point is, forget about this option if you're going to do manually - it's just too much work for you.
So the best ultimate business strategy is to combine both options.
Here's how it works - send traffic to the affiliate program by using Google Adwords and see how many clicks you can get. In some profitable niches, you can get thousands of clicks at dirt cheap.
If this is happening, then you should start diverting this traffic to your own landing page (instead of sending the traffic directly to the affiliate program) and you get them to subscribe into your list. Now you get to promote the same affiliate program to your list as many times as you like and keep on promoting other products to maximise profits, you got it?
If you're getting good commission for a particular affiliate program and you kind of like that niche market, you can consider creating your own products to sell then.
Do You Want To Make Money Online The Fastest Possible, You Want It By Tomorrow Right?
By: susanong
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