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Is Breast Reduction Surgery Right for Me?

Breast reduction surgery is performed to minimize larger breasts that present physical and emotional problems to many women who feel their breasts are too large for their body type or structure. After breast reduction surgery your breasts will be in proportion to the rest of your body, your clothes will fit better and you will feel more confident about your appearance.

Problems Associated with Larger Breasts

Larger breasts can and do present actual physical and emotional problems for many women, and include:

Problems breathing
Is Breast Reduction Surgery Right for Me?

Back, shoulder and neck pain

Poor posture

Deep and painful bra strap indentations

Chafing and chronic skin infections under the breasts

Poor self-confidence and low self-esteem

Breast Reduction Procedure and Post-operative Care

After a thorough examination and evaluation by your breast surgeon, breast reduction surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. The excess fatty tissue and sagging skin are removed and the areolas and nipples are repositioned higher on the breasts.

Post- breast reduction surgery you are usually fitted with a special bra or surgical dressing to hold your breasts in the best position for healing and comfort. Initial pain is easily controlled with prescribed oral pain medication and the pain should subside after only a few days. Any scarring typically fades over several months.

Any type of strenuous activity should be avoided during the first two weeks after breast reduction surgery. If an activity causes you discomfort it should be stopped. If you have a sedentary job, you may return to work in seven to ten days. After one month you should be able to begin easing into your normal exercise routines.

Risks and Complications

Risks and complications associated with breast reduction surgery are rare. Thousands of women undergo successful breast reduction surgery every year, experience no major problems and are happy with the results. However, every surgical procedure does have the potential for complications and this should be discussed with your surgeon at your initial consultation. Some risks and complications you may experience can include:


Excessive bleeding

Anesthesia side-effects

Is Breast Reduction Surgery Right for Me?

By: Sara Goldstein

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