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subject: The Enagic Compensation Plan In Review [print this page]

To be honest, The Enagic Compensation Plan may be a little confusing for those used to more traditional compensation plans. This is not necessarily a bad thing but it is something to consider if you have been working with MLMs in the past. If you are new to the home based business industry than learning how to take advantage of the Enagic compensation plan would..t be any harder than whichever business opportunity you were looking at.

One important characteristic of the Enagic Compensation plan is that you are selling a more expensive item, thus earning more from direct sales. Whereas in other compensation plans, you earn more by building a network of distributors.

Now, when we look at Enagic's claims of paying out to 8 points, what's really meant here is that they pay out to 8 levels. To make money, you must make one direct sale, which would form your leg.

I will do my utmost to explain how their claim of sales levels work in order for you to make a profit. This can be quite daunting if you're just starting out, but stick with me and I'll try and give you the truth on how Enagic actually works.

To being the explanation, the Enagic Compensation Plan is made up of 8 points, or 8 levels of sales, paid differently at each level.

Mainly Enagic and its supporters are promoting one of its units specifically so we will follow that lead... that is what they will push you to sell and train you to sell anyway, so let..s go with it.

The product is an expensive item but because of the 8 level business model, the seller only makes $225 or up to $1125, based on their ranking. Another weird thing was that a lot of people connected in the leg may not earn at all from the transaction depending on the rank of those who closed the deal and those on top of the seller. The total payment would be $1800, distributed among all the parties involved in the leg of the transaction. However, since rank performs such an integral role, I like this comp plan less as it usually results to few people making large sums of money and a lot of others losing both money and time.

So, if you are contemplating Enagic as a business opportunity, you must comprehend that their compensation plan works if you are aggressive and informed of what you're doing. In this plan, rank is the be-all and end-all. Everything relies on what your status is, A-1 through A-6, and where the deal was closed.

It would be possible for someone who achieves the right status, and is in the right position, to make up to $675 from a sale, even if they were a distributor and not involved in the direct sale.

So how does one acquire rank and standing?

It's actually straightforward, you let the business earn more money. To achieve the first rank, A-1, you only need to sell a single Enagic Water Ionizing system. In order to reach the highest status of A-6, you must have at least sold 100 items - directly or indirectly. However, you will earn more through the direct sales.

To sell 100 units of $4000 a unit we are talking $400,000 of product. That is a pretty lot of money so again if you are planning on making the Enagic Compensation plan really pay-out to you than you better have some pretty serious strategies in the pipe line and leadership skills to as well teach those strategies. You don't..t just wake up one day with the knowledge of how to do $400,000 in volume.

The Enagic Compensation Plan In Review

By: Luciano Barlow

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