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CPA Instruments by Ritoban Chakrabarti is the second product in the "Instruments" series by the same author. This particular product is focused on promoting CPA offers.

Like Profit Instruments, a CPA Instrument is a site focused on one offer that is ranked on Google and other search engines to get traffic and convert the visitors to buyers. Compared to promoting physical or digital products, CPA offers convert at a much higher rate and the commission is not necessarily lower depending on the kind of an offer (for example free trial offers usually have a decent commission rate while converting better than selling products).

Here are a few more details on how this works. Why would you promote only one offer per site? The key thing to understand is that we're talking about SEO it's how we get all the traffic with this method. And in SEO it's all about the relevance. Links make most of the SEO but if your entire site is dedicated to the topic, you will need a lot less links to rank high. That's why with this method you would get a whole domain name with the keyword and focus all site on that keyword.

Next is the conversion of traffic. When you have to create a whole site to promote an offer, it's a lot of work to rank just for one keyword. That's why the conversions are so important and this is the second major point in this method. You don't rank just for any keywords, you rank for product name keywords which have nearly the biggest commercial intent of any type of keywords (right after the keywords that actually have variations of "buy" in them).

Ranking for such keywords inherently means very high conversion rate, especially with CPA offers. Not a visit of that traffic is wasted, so creating a whole site for one keyword does pay off.

Thus the method comes down to a simple formula:

find products to promote;

register a domain name with the product name in it;

create a site about the product;

build backlinks to rank on the first page of Google;

optimize the conversions;

Now, here's a question I'm sure many have. Is Ritoban trying to sell the same product twice? After all, the difference in promoting products as an affiliate or CPA offers is essentially minimal.

According to Ritoban, while there are a lot of similarities between the two products, the difference between Profit Instruments and CPA Instruments is that the latter includes a lot more CPA specific website building, traffic and conversion techniques.

Important note: You have to understand one thing - no matter what promises of income a product makes, it's still just a tool or a method. To get something out of it and to avoid disappointments, you need to know how you will use it in your business before you even consider buying. If you're not sure what you're supposed to do, don't buy anything and grab my free report below.

>>> Click here to visit official CPA Instruments website

CPA Instruments Any Good? : CPA Instruments Review

By: Martin

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