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subject: Flooring and Tile Restoration Fullerton, California Reviewed [print this page]

First off, I just want to talk about how genuinely honest, and hardworking the owner of Global flooring solutions is; Juan is really just trying to make an honest dollar and he's willing to do the work to earn it. His prices are very reasonable for the EXCELLENT job he does. He was quick, efficient, and best of all, ON TIME! His employees were also very respectable of my restaurant and were very aware of the expensive items that were around my restaurant. I have had many many flooring contractors come into my various locations all over orange county and he was by far the most pleasant, and efficient of all of them. I will definitely be calling him again. I have referred him to many of my business partners and they have all loved him as well. He also has a really good deal where if you mention the ad on his website he will give you 10% off! This is such a good deal and I cant believe that he can afford to do this. Unfortunately, because of the economy, work is very slow for Juan right now and that is why he has the coupon. He services Basically all of orange county, and is pretty much willing to work anywhere at the drop of a hat. Juan really is a rare case of a genuinely good Human being just trying to support his family and trying to make an honest dollar.

You can find Juan at Flooring and Tile Restoration Fullerton, California>

Flooring and Tile Restoration Fullerton, California Reviewed

By: James Ruhle

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