subject: The First Signs of Being Pregnant [print this page] Very early in a pregnancy, even before a pregnancy test might be able to give a positive result, a woman might notice some signs and symptoms that she is pregnant, especially if she is on the lookout for them. Knowing the first signs of being pregnant will help you to recognize them and give you the first clue that you are carrying a baby.
Pregnancy symptoms are a result of increases in hormones that affect the pregnant woman's body. As soon as these hormones start to rise due to pregnancy, the symptoms will start to appear. For many women symptoms such as fatigue, tenderness of the breasts, and frequent urination may appear before the missed period that leads most women to take a pregnancy test.
In this earliest of pregnancy stages, the fertilized egg will implant in the wall of the uterus. While some women do not notice this happening at all, others may experience cramping or spotting that can be mistaken for a period. In this case, the other pregnancy symptoms may lead the woman to suspect pregnancy in spite of what she believes to have been her period.
In addition to the tenderness of the breasts, other early signs of pregnancy can include swelling and darkening of the aureoles. The changes in breast size may lead some women to need pregnancy clothes earlier in the pregnancy.
Finally, you might notice changes to your eating habits affected by two of the common first signs of being pregnant: food cravings and morning sickness. Both a feeling of nausea and not wanting to eat and cravings for certain foods can indicate a pregnancy.
If you have these signs and believe you are pregnant, see a doctor for confirmation.
The First Signs of Being Pregnant
By: Daniela O'Neil
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