subject: How Driving Less Can Help Lower Your Auto Insurance [print this page] It is no secret that if you drive less you're less likely to be in an accident. On the other hand if spend much of your time driving you are more likely to get into an accident and therefore pay higher rates on your auto insurance. Perhaps you didn't know how an car insurance policy can be flexible. In fact you can get cheap auto insurance through a plan that is adjusted in its value according to your driving activity.
One of the most popular types of affordable vehicle insurance options you have an opportunity for consideration is the pay-as-you-drive auto insurance. This is a form of cheap auto insurance that's being promoted by a variety of auto insurance providers and becoming common in more states. It is something that can be very useful for your needs for a variety of reasons.
Pay-as-you-drive insurance works in that the amount of money you would normally be spending on your auto insurance will vary according to the number of miles you put on your vehicle. This can be measured through either a special odometer handled through your insurance provider or from an upfront charge relating to a certain number of miles to where you can get a rebate or additional charge depending on how much you drive.
This is a good thing for you to consider if don't drive much. People who live in large cities often take public transportation to and from work everyday, but also have automobiles. Another example is if you only drive your car to and from work a certain number of times each week and do not use your car for long distance trips, you could be spending more than necessary on your vehicle insurance.
In fact the discount you can get on your vehicle insurance premiums can be very high. A typical driver could save a third on the costs of one's annual auto insurance costs if that person uses a pay-as-you-drive insurance plan.
The use of this type of car insurance is something that is useful for a variety of reasons. It can work to get people to drive less so city streets and freeways will be less congested. In addition, it can work to help with reducing pollution and the air we all breath. The most important thing though is that everyone will be safer, and therefore insurance costs can go down for everyone.
by: Brad Long
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