subject: How To Achieve Financial Success [print this page] Let's talk personal financial successLet's talk personal financial success. Most people in the current economy are not finding personal financial abundance even though they all secretly desire it.
I've yet to meet anyone who doesn't want to create wealth and do well with their personal finances. However, during the six years I spent working as a financial planner, I met many families who struggled with the concepts of financial prosperity and making more money.
Here's what I saw when meeting new clients: High debt, low investment funds, and an over-all lack of financial education. I rarely saw financial success.
My clients were searching for a way to eliminate debt, stay out of debt, invest wisely and achieve financial abundance. All the while, they were making decisions and had created financial habits that had them straying down the road of poverty.
Something I began to understand from my time in the personal finance field is that too few people have ever had a quality financial education. Too many people operate their financial lives without a plan.
If this is how you've been living your life and you're struggling with becoming more comfortable financially, it's time to formulate your goals and dreams.
It's as if you were taking a trip. You wouldn't set off on a trip from New York, NY to Orlando, FL (Disney World sounds kind of nice) without a map, would you? No, you'd get out the map and formulate a plan to get there correctly. So, why try to accomplish success with your personal finances without figuring out the best route?
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you desire personal financial success, it won't come from over-spending on frivolous purchases, racking up a ton of credit card debt, or living without some sort of personal financial plan.
Debt proof living needs to be your focus. Therefore, you must focus your attention on the following areas of personal finance: budgeting, planning, get out of debt, reduce taxes, investments, real estate, etc.
If you truly desire financial success with your money matters, you'll need to get a handle on these areas. If you desire this goal, there's no other way around must put your attention on these areas.
Very few people are handed wealth and financial abundance on a silver platter, but it can be attained by adjusting your wealth consciousness, using some visualization, formulating a plan and sticking to it.
Imagine the inner peace you will feel when you perfect your personal finances!
by: Matt Zavadil.
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