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subject: How The Investing Club Works [print this page]

The idea of creating a club where investors will gather together to discuss the possibility and risk of investing money on a new business is really tempting and inspiring. However, the idea is not a new one and over hundred years, the investing club is working with the investors who mostly cannot afford the whole investing amount by themselves. So, in this club, they gather together to discuss different sides of a financing.

The most interesting thing about the investing club is the amount of asset can be as low as $10. There is no upper bound. The number of investors is also undefined and there can single investors or over a dozen. But no matter how many are there, they have to follow some rules.

For instant, if you want to make an investment through the club, you have to obey the rules and regulations of the club. In every club, there is a governing body that monitors and controls each and every speculation and take necessary steps if necessary. So the financers have to follow the order of the governing body.

However, this authority does not do anything to hurt the business. Instead, it tries to develop the current condition of the business by providing all necessary supports. One of the best supports by this authority is giving innovative business idea. Another important job for the governing body is to hire a finance and investment expert who will guide through the whole process.

The need for the expert can be avoided if any member of the club has enough knowledge on the topics. Beside the investing idea and finance, there are some other important facts related with the business including taxation and liability. The club has to take care of them too by hiring an expert or doing it themselves.

by: Janine Balfour

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