subject: Facts About The Global Information Network [print this page] Are you wondering what the Global Information Network (GIN) is all about? You've possibly listened to the cd set called Your Wish Is Your Command or read the books written by Kevin Trudeau. It appears that GIN may be right for you but you're still not sure.
People are joining the Global Information Network left and right and it's because of a few specific reasons. Allow me to introduce to you what these reasons are.
First, GIN has a network marketing/affiliate program component built into it. With the state of today's economy, more and more people are turning to network marketing for the opportunity to increase their income. Because of GIN's unique compensation plan, the ability for you to build a residual (this means ongoing!) monthly income is very real.
GIN offers its members a large online library that grows even larger with each passing month. This library is filled with material designed to improve the wealth, health and happiness of each Global Information Network member. Through various formats, such as written material, video material and audio material, GIN members are taught how to make money, think properly (Law of Attraction), have better health, etc.
Many folks are scrambling to join GIN strictly for the networking possibilities that exist between each member of the organization. Even if you have no desire to work on the network marketing component of GIN, how would your other business pursuits be helped if you had the ability to network with like minded individuals from all around the world?
All across the United States (and internationally in some cases), GIN holds live seminar events for its members. These are done on an ongoing monthly basis and are offered for free to all members. The people speaking at these seminars teach GIN members all about how to have health, wealth and happiness. GIN members can go for free even though some of these speakers can charge up to $20,000 on the open market.
On a quarterly basis, members can join together and share with one another at the 3-day retreats offered up by the Global Information Network. Past events have been held in places such as Cancun, Mexico, the Bahamas, Chicago, Germany, the Dominican Republic, etc.
How many services or products have you dreamed up over the years? GIN members have the ability to attend investor symposiums where those with the capital to invest in new business ideas are linked with the people who have the ideas.
Even as the major media outlets tell you how terrible the future looks, the Global Information Network is offering you a life line with its amazing membership product. By joining this organization, you'll be meeting with and networking with other individuals who believe in a powerful and exciting future.
Facts About The Global Information Network
By: Bill Johnson
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