subject: Meridian Dentistry [print this page] Written by practitioner DrWritten by practitioner Dr. Kevin Boehm ~
To look at a Meridian Tooth Chart, click att.article link -
Upon graduation dental students would certainly not think that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture meridians and modern dentistry have much in common. Brand new dentists are trained to look at their technical skills to solve the basic problems of decay and gum disease in patients. An overwhelmingly large number of patients have no greater understanding of acupuncture meridians and their dental health as well. Is there truly some strange link between other areas of the body and teeth found, perhaps, several feet away? The answer may very well surprise you, and has little to do with pure coincidence.
Perhaps a brief digression into TCM would be the proper place to begin. Many individuals when questioned about TCM may start off thinking of mysterious herbs and very old Chinese witch doctors with long, spindly beards engaging in strange incantations over simmering pots of steaming liquid. Some will claim there is no more medicinal quality to the above mentioned reference than their lentil soup. Whos correct, and who is not? Well probe a little deeper. TCM remains based on energy flows, or channels, coursing throughout the body with some ascending from the feet, and others starting perhaps in the fingers and descending to the toes. To the Chinese, the channels must remain in balance. The Yin-Yang connection, if thrown out of balance perhaps by anger or grief, can certainly set off a chain reaction that stimulates health problems. Each energy channel, or meridian, has a specific pathway by which it travels through the body zig-zagging to seemingly unrelated places, which ultimately do pass through the teeth along their trek.
If this had been presented to me fifteen years ago, I too would have brushed the idea aside completely as coincidence. However, over the years I have most assuredly seen a fair amount of strange things occur while practicing that cannot be dismissed as pure coincidence only. The case that made a believer out of me was back in about 2001. A middle-aged woman with an unremarkable medical history had developed some upper digestive issues and a lump in her right breast. I had, to a degree, considered this persons beliefs as somewhat odd, but I obviously could not disregard what was occurring with her newly developing health issues. She had also suffered from intermittent pain in previous years with an upper right molar. When threatened with a possible link to cancer, in her own mind this patient had some obviously scary prospects ahead of her. She had numerous sleepless nights which she used to do some alternative research into the subject. As a result, she brought her meridian tooth chart in one afternoon. She no longer had pain in her upper right molar area, but had the before mentioned ailments. I had never seen any such tooth chart before, and didnt know what to think. She asked if I would look at her upper right and x-ray the area, as she was sure the old problematic tooth was the cause of her new afflictions. Visually speaking, all looked in good order, but x-rays showed an abnormality above tooth #3 of fairly significant size. Still thinking nothing of it, we went through the usual options, and she elected to extract the tooth and clean out the area above it. After this was accomplished, we gave her a number of weeks of healing time before getting started on her bridge to replace tooth #3. During the next six months we completed her upper right dental work and had a chance to speak briefly after a routine hygiene appointment, when she revealed some remarkable things. With an enormous grin on her face, she told me all her GERD-like symptoms were gone, the sensitivity on her lower bicuspids, which she never mentioned previously, was gone, and her chemo-happy oncologist could no longer find any trace of a problem in her right breast. She once again handed me a tooth chart and said, might want to look at that again, Doc., and we said our good-byes.
Curiosity got the better of me at this point and through a couple hours of internet searching, I had seen the strange, but very happy, coincidences in a new light. All reason from medical school says theres no way the two would be related. But here was a situation I had seen and heard with my own eyes and ears that I could not explain away. Happily, our patient is still alive and well to date. My searching revealed that problems with tooth numbers 3, 28 and 29 involve all the possible organs including pancreas, liver, stomach/pylorus, right kidney, and right breast according to the meridian chart.
Could the disruption in tooth #3 have caused an overall disruption of the stomach meridian in her case strongly enough to exert its influence to these distant sites? Some say yes, and some say no. Undoubtedly, naysayers will continue to do what they do best and cast doubts. I believe this patient was put in my path by the creator at a time when I would be open to accepting the possibility that this is very real and would continue to look for this apparent link in the future.
Each acupuncture meridian is tied to various organs, glands, emotions, spinal segments, sense organs, musculature, joints, and numerous other biological relationships. Will this ever cover every instance I can think of? I cannot say. I think those with open minds find the truth to be self-evident. I have enclosed an information packed version of a meridian chart to peruse and ponder for anyone who may be interested (and I apologize the print is small). Believe as you like in your own minds, but as for me, my mind remains open. mission is the education and advocacy of natural medicine and a holistic lifestyle.
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by: ChicagoHealers
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