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subject: What is A Double Dip Recession? [print this page]

The dictionary defines a recession as: "A significant decline in activity spread across the economy, lasting longer than a few months."

Now we have gone through recessions before, but now the talk of a double dip recession is raising some concerns.

A recession is a dip in the economy. Money is not flowing the way it should, consumers aren't spending their money. Usually the recession curve is "V Shaped". The economy takes a dip but is fast to recover and is on the up pretty quick.

Now a double dip recession is a lot slower to recover. More like an " L shaped" curve that will eventually lead to another "L shaped" curve denying any upward movement. So we see a decline in our economy, it levels off for a little bit, but then declines more from there and then possibly leveling off.

Factors that will contribute to our Double Dip Recession:

1. The printing of money!! The US is printing SO MUCH money right now, that the federal reserve doesn't have enough Gold to back up this "new money"

And that's a HUGE problem. Pretty soon the purchasing power of the dollar will diminish leading to things like: the middle class being wiped out.

For Instance:

Let's say the value of the dollar decreases by 50%. When this happens our cost of living increases 100%.

The Federal Reserve continues to "Bail Out" Wall Street!

(By the way, The Federal Reserve is not "federal" in any way nor is it even regulated by anyone! It's a private cartel!)

2. Falsifying Economic Statistics

Right now, we are not far off from the statistics that were reported in the Great Depression. Mainstream media is reporting Unemployment to be around 9%. Some areas of our country...even higher.

So another factor that will determine our double dip is the misleading of economic statistics. For instance, the U6 figure. This figure will not only report the Unemployment rate, but will also report the UNDER employment rate (people that aren't making enough money to make ends meet). Adding the U6 figure to the unemployment rate, we're looking at about 14 - 15%. This statistic during the Great Depression was 17%!

This statistic is cleverly being left out make us believe that the economy is not as bad as it seems. We are being "hoodwinked." And when the public is being mislead, poor investment strategies follow.

3. The Failure of the Stimulus Plans

Most of us that can count to 10, knew that this was only going to be temporary and NOT a permanent solution. This will now place HUGE taxes on us in the MANY years ahead, and will slow the economic rebirth even more!

4. Receiving poor financial education

The financial services industry is cleverly exploiting those that are 'un educated' about how money really works. Americans NEED the proper financial education in order to prosper in ANY economic state! This IS available, but is being kept from the general public.

With stats like this and many more hidden secrets that are being kept from us is only going to CRUSH our net worth and lead us to financial ruin!

Many say there's a Conspiracy against our money. Falsifying statistics and information will lead to a total economic demise unless the proper financial education is put in place and these secret law lies are exposed!

People are losing faith in Wall Street and the Federal Government. And with these hidden conspiracies, a Double Dip Recession is imminent!

Are you going to let this happen?

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What is A Double Dip Recession?

By: Greg Schmidt

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