subject: Those Annoying Sensitive Teeth - How To Get Rid Of Them [print this page] Almost everyone has had sensitive teeth, and the main problem is how one can get rid of them. Sensitive teeth are quite annoying, especially at times when you are at a party or enjoying your favorite meal and then it strikes. The good thing about it is you can get rid of sensitive teeth. If you think you will have to live with it forever, you have got another think coming. Sensitive teeth can easily be cured, but it will require commitment and the ability to stick to better practices on your part. Read up on all the things you can try to do so you will no longer get sensitive teeth anymore.
Better Oral Hygiene
Sensitive teeth are best combated when you have good oral hygiene (or Mundhygiejne in Danish). If you want to get rid of teeth that are sensitive, trade your toothbrush to one that has soft and pliable bristles and ergonomically angled. Usually, teeth that are sensitive are the type that gets easily bumped by toothbrushes that are too stiff. Also, it better if you switch to a toothpaste brand made especially for sensitive teeth. These come in gentler formulations that do not compromise on ability to clean. This is better than those harsher formulas that make your sensitive teeth feel much worse.
Dining and Drinking Practices
That delicious cone of ice cream may be very delicious, but it can also cost you sensitive teeth. When enjoying extremely hot or cold drinks, take time out to lower or heighten the temperature so it is better for your teeth that are sensitive. That ache-y feeling in your gums is caused by the sensitive teeth reacting to extreme hot or extreme cold. You must take care to blow soup until it has cooled down, or to bite into an ice cream cone and melt it on the other side of your face. If you want to get rid of teeth that are sensitive, you should also avoid eating too many sweets! Aside from fattening you up, it will also contribute in making your teeth very sensitive. This is especially true if you have bad tooth-brushing habits and have the tendency to let the sugars stay in between your teeth. So, always remember to let food and drinks cool down or warm up a bit before biting into it -otherwise that tingly painful feeling will return.
And of course, teeth that are sensitive must not be ignored until you get used to the feeling - it is very important that you see your dentist about this. Some people do not mind the tingly feeling that comes with having teeth that are sensitive so they do not bother to see their dental specialist. Sometimes, teeth that are sensitive are actually symptoms of something far more serious. You should go see your dentist as soon as you have noticed a prolonged feeling of sensitivity in your teeth so he can take a look at it. More often than not, you will save yourself a lot of trouble when you get around to doing this.
by: Petar Genchev
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