subject: Pointers For Getting Low Fees for Young Driver Car Insurance Plans [print this page] Getting a young driver car insurance policy is usually more costly than getting an insurance plan for an experienced driver. This is because most insurance companies believe that most young drivers, especially those who have just started driving, have higher risks of getting into automobile accidents than drivers who have years of experience. Most teenagers disregard the cost of car insurance because they do not have to worry about paying for it. It is usually the responsibility of the parents to have their children's car insured. Some teenagers have a tendency to become reckless drivers because they are impatient, so when they drive on major highways, the possibility of them getting caught in an accident are higher.
If you plan to get a young driver car insurance policy for your teenager, you have to shop around for quotes first. It should not come as a surprise to you that insurance policies for young drivers can be very costly. If you want to avail of cheaper premiums, you can talk to your insurance company representative and ask them for cheaper policies. If your child has at least two to three years of driving experience and have had no past records of getting into car accidents, then your insurance company may offer you discounts on premiums. The driving record of the driver is important in determining how much the car insurance premium will be. Expect that premiums would be more expensive for those who are under the age of 21.
Another useful tip to be able to save on your premiums is to prevent your teenager from adding a lot of add-ons on the car. Some teenagers love adding accessories like spoilers and lowering the cars for faster acceleration. If you are going to get a young driver car insurance policy for a car that has been lowered to significantly increase the speed, then chances are your premiums will be a lot higher. No insurance company in their right mind would offer discounts on a car insurance plan for a car that has been modified for speed, as most vehicular accidents involve overspeeding drivers, those that go way beyond the speed limit.
It would also be very helpful to tell your child not to drink and drive. Everyone knows that it is not advisable to drink and drive, but most people seem to find it so hard to follow such a simple rule. If you know that your child is going out drinking, do not, under any circumstance, let him drive the car. If he gets into an accident, your chances of getting discounts on your young driver car insurance policy would be close to impossible.
Pointers For Getting Low Fees for Young Driver Car Insurance Plans
By: John Keene
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