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subject: What Can A Vacuum Pump Do For You? [print this page]

A vacuum pump may be something that you rarely think about or feel the need to know anything about. What is a vacuum pump? A vacuum pump is a gadget that removes gas molecules from a sealed capacity in order to leave behind a partial vacuum. Vacuum pumps have a lot of different purposes. Here are a few of the things they are used for in your every day life.

Vacuum pumps are used in many of your appliances around your home. One place you would find one is in an air conditioner unit. They help with the removing of all contaminants from the system before charging the refrigerant. They are also in trash compactors to help condense the trash, making more room for future garbage. If you work or live on a farm, you may also come in contact with vacuum pumps when you are milking a cow. With the technology these days, many people use milk machines to milk the cows. These require a vacuum pump in order to retrieve the milk from the cow's udders. Another use for a vacuum pump around the house would be in freeze-drying. Many people are working to build up food storage. A great way to do this is to freeze dry some food. To do so, you would use a vacuum pump to pull all the air out of a package in order to save the food from contaminating in any way. They have machines that can do this now as well. This same process can be used for saving space as well. There are products now that use vacuum pumps to help with storage and space saving. This is where you put an item or two into a bag, use a pump to suck all of the air out of the bag and what you are left with is a smaller condensed version of your items. That is, until you open the bag and add the air back into it.

There are uses for vacuum pumps in every day life as well as in industrial and scientific settings. There are companies that create them for all different uses. Busch vacuum pumps are one example of a company that makes all different types of vacuum pumps. So whether you use them for work or just in your every day life, it is amazing what different uses a vacuum pump may have in your life.

by: Art Gib

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