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subject: Dictating What Money Is Worth [print this page]

For many people the investment in gold is helping them to establish a solid portfolio of products that are able to withstand the volatility of the stock market. Gold buyers in Orange County understand that by having a tangible asset that they hold onto they are better protected from the uncertainty of the fluctuating price of the dollar. Because foreign currency exchanges determine the value of paper money that is circulated throughout the world based on the price of gold, having a reserve of gold helps to keep smart investors from risking their money on speculative stocks and inflated currencies.

While not everyone owns gold bars and keeps them locked away in a private vault, there are people that understand the value of holding onto a real asset and have small deposits of an ounce or two of gold on hand. For most people though the thought of owning gold is more along the lines of jewelry that can be appreciated and worn. When faced with economic hardships people can sell gold to Orange County jewelers, coin collectors and pawn shops that will pay top dollar for the precious metal. While having a savings account is important and keeping money safely tucked away in the bank makes sound financial advice, there are wise individuals that have put some of their earnings into buying gold.

Because the entire monetary system is built upon the value of gold, having a little of the precious metal in store is a good idea. Fort Knox, the Federal Reserve and other gold depositories hold the wealth of the nation. Because of the weight and inability to carry gold, the paper dollar is exchanged for goods and services instead of the gold standard that money is based on.

For some individuals that have been hit hard by a layoff or foreclosure the gold jewelry that they own is helping them to make it through a difficult time. Being able to sell gold Orange County residents that have hit hard times have the ability to transfer their assets into cold hard cash. Likewise people that have weathered the economic storms and been able to thrive are also going to gold buyers. Orange County residents that are doing well and looking for the best place to invest their money are buying gold. Because the stock market is unstable and very unpredictable having a backup of gold tucked away in a safety deposit box for a rainy day makes sound financial sense.

As the price of gold remains stable and occasionally rises there is a possibility of not only hanging onto the value of money, but also increasing the amount of money that can be made if and when the gold is sold. With a diverse portfolio and a secure savings account, wealthy people are also invested in the gold that can be used as currency at any time.

by: Art Gib

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