subject: Tips on Searching For a Job Online [print this page] When it comes to finding a job, the best place to conduct your search is online. Nowadays there are an almost unlimited number of job search sites and social networking sites that you can use to search for employment. It's also possible to download a variety of job search tools and applications that can help you even further. The following tips are designed to help you target your job search in the most effective way, so that you have the best chance of finding your ideal job in the shortest possible time.
Check Application Dates
While most sites are pretty up to date, not all of them are. Double check each job before you bother to apply for it, otherwise you could find yourself wasting a great deal of time filling out applications for jobs that have already been taken.
Think Laterally
You probably know this already, but it's true that opportunities can appear from the most unlikely source. If you are struggling to find vacancies that interested you while searching online, try searching through a related category instead. You might find that there are positions available after all. Another good trick is to widen your geographical search.
Put Yourself Out There
Popular networking websites like LinkedIn are becoming more and more widely used by job seekers looking to promote themselves. The beauty of these sites is that you can nurture relationships with people in similar fields to you, leading to possible unadvertised job vacancies later on. Even today, a great many jobs are never advertised and just offered through word of mouth, so it pays to invest in a little self-promotion.
Don't Spam
Your cover letter for each job application is important and shouldn't be overlooked. A big mistake that many people make is to use the same cover letter over and over again, copy and pasted to each application. Don't do this! Cover letters such as these are easy enough to spot and most employers really don't appreciate them, as they will think that you have hardly bothered to read their advertisement. Instead you need to tailor your letter for each job you apply to, and mention why your specific skills and experience mean you can be of help to them.
Follow Up
The last thing you should be afraid of is following up on your applications. Don't just think that because you haven't had a reply for two or three days that you haven't got the job. Instead, follow up with an email or even a telephone call and ask if they have received your application yet. The employer may well be pleased and see this as a sign of how keen you are, and he'll certainly remember you calling when he does come
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Tips on Searching For a Job Online
By: amspoker mccammack
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