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subject: A Review On Butterfly Kisses [print this page]

In the spring of 1997, Bob Carlisle unexpectedly had a crossover hit with "Butterfly Kisses," an ode to his love for his daughter that just happened to hit the airwaves around Father's Day. Excited at the prospect of a major hit, the label re-released Carlisle's Shades of Grace under the title Butterfly Kisses, hoping it would lure in the mainstream audience. Although their gambit worked, its unclear how many "Butterfly Kisses" fans will be satisfied with the entire album, because it does not have that many songs that are equally as catchy as the Butterfly Kisses song.

Butterfly Kisses, was a major hit. According to Bob Carlisle the song is not so much a song about fatherhood. It's more about gratitude and imperfection as the lyrics goes - 'for all I've done wrong, I must have done something right.' It's also a song about appreciation of time that is spent well. As with any good thing, there is a bittersweet sadness in letting go. I hoped to capture in this song the beauty of the relationship between father and daughter as well as its inevitable change.

This song affected more than dads. As a matter of fact after Bob Carlisle first sang it in one of his concerts, women surrounded him telling him stories about their fathers. I had always thought of the song from the perspective of a dad but I hadn't thought of its impact upon daughters. This song is so beautiful. The first time i heard it i cried. And I believe that every parent and daughters out there would share the same feeling about this song.

This song so exquisite, I love the fact it is written by Bob Carlisle and written for his daughter. There are several versions of this song, including one by "The Raybons" (former Shenandoah lead singer Marty Raybon and his brother) and Jeff Carson. Carlisle himself has said that he brought his daughter and wife to tears when he played this for her for the first time (she was 16 at the time). Carlisle's version was the biggest hit on the Country charts, though the others did make some noise.

by: Kathleen Ramirez

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