subject: Ways To Keep From Making Popular SEO Mistakes That Will Injur Your Site's Ranking [print this page] Visitors to your site will appreciate the professionalism of your site. Too many internet marketers forget that just because the site looks neat doesn't mean they are optimized to the best of their ability. Search engine spiders index only those sites that have text based content. Flash causes your site to be invisible by search engines.
Flash might seem impressive to visitors but probably not to search engines. If you think those fancy graphics help with SEO you are terribly mistaken. So if you want to actually get search engine traffic, then you should create a plan HTML alternative on your website if you really want to use flash. Using well written script text on your HTML page will allow search engines to more accurately rank your site. Search engine indexing will not do you any good if they can't read more than your homepage.
SEO should begin as soon as possible to avoid waiitng too long. Keep in mind the importance of SEO. It's a bad idea to forget about all of the traffic that could be directed to you site from search engines. Don't forget about the importance of optimization even for a new website. To reap the benefits of this do it soon. Procrastination when talking about SEO is a bad idea you'll miss out on some fantastic traffic. You must put forth the effort to find the keywords that fit your site best. You will never get better traffic than keyword targeted traffic. Free key word optimization is the way to go.
Gaining the keywords that grab the attention of Search Engines can be done with a little research. Without doing the research you won't know how to optimize your site effectively. For example, if your target market is "online auctions", you should be aware about what's happening this niche, what type of content people are looking for and the best keywords to target.
If you want your site to be known as the authority on your product or service avoid the above mistakes. You will discover them as you move through the process.
Ways To Keep From Making Popular SEO Mistakes That Will Injur Your Site's Ranking
By: Dario Montes de Oca
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