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subject: How to Make the Most Money in FarmVille [print this page]

FarmVille is a great place to go to escape the rigors of everyday life. You can get back to nature and enjoy the peace and tranquility that comes from working on the land. However, not everything in FarmVille is an escape from the ordinary. You still need money for just about everything you do. You have to buy the seeds to plant, and you'll even have to pay a small sum for each plot of land you plow.

These costs are easily managed of course because you're harvesting and selling your crops for more than it cost to plant them. There are a lot of other items you can buy in the FarmVille market to decorate and build up your farm, and you won't be able to get these without some significant sums of cash. Buying these items will also get you some much needed experience points to help you advance to the next level, so you'll have to find a way to make sure you have enough money for all the discretionary items you want to buy.

Earnings Per Hour

Because you'll be needing your coins for so much in FarmVille, you need to maximize the earning potential of your farm. The best way to do this is to figure out which crops pay out the most coins per hour. For example, strawberries sell for 35 coins per plot of land harvested and they take 4 hours to grow. Pumpkins, on the other hand, take 8 hours to grow and sell for 68 coins per plot of land harvested.

That means, for the same acreage planted, you'll earn 8.75 coins per hour by planting strawberries, while the pumpkins will only get you 8.5 coins per hour. This may seem like a small difference, but these small amounts can add up fast. Of course, you won't be getting your money's worth unless you can harvest the crops as soon as they're ready and immediately replant on that land.

A Quick Turnaround

If you're not going to be able to get back to your farm for 8 hours, you're much better off planting the pumpkins. The longer you leave a crop after it's done maturing, the less you'll be getting per hour once you harvest it. You can only make money fast on crops that mature quickly if you're going to be able to harvest and replant as soon as they're ready for sale. Make sure you take these details into consideration when you're selecting your seeds at the Market, and you'll be seeing your bank account swelling in no time.

How to Make the Most Money in FarmVille

By: Eduardo Garcia

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