subject: Children Of Poor Disposition Receive Dental Treatment [print this page] A woman who had a huge smile and long black hair sat comfortably in the tiny waiting room of a dental clinic. A young dentist was examining the teeth of a middle aged woman who was occupying the only dental chair inside the clinic. Thanks to the low cost services of the clinic, she is able to get dental care which she otherwise couldn't afford.
43 years ago, a dental clinic of a private non profit organization was started and presently continues to operate. Health care for pregnant and infants was provided for by the clinic for many years in the organization's building. At the clinic, children are provided with dental care.
Private donations have always been what funded us, and the foundation was provided by what a woman left us in her will. It came to our attention that many agencies already provided the same services as were offering when we checked again our services after our foundation ran out. The clinic was closed because of no more funds to continue its services.
After some research, they realized that dental needs for low income people were being neglected, so they chose to rent the main building and remodel the garage. In an effort to change the garage into the new dental office, the organization put up around $10,000 in donations. Since equipment had been donated by dentists previously for the old dental clinic, these were the ones used for the office.
Low cost care eligibility for patients is decided through an interview with them. The clinic does allow patients who are capable of getting private dental care so that competition with area dentists is avoided.
A sliding scale used by the clinic helps them decide on one's eligibility for the clinic's services and also how much he will be charged. How much to charge is based on how many people are in the person's family as well as how much the person is getting from his job.
If a family has an income of $1,000 or more and consists only of four members, then that family is not qualified for low cost treatment at the clinic. Members of this same family can get dental examination for $8 if the monthly earnings of the family is from $800 to $1,000 a month.
An examination fee of $5 is charged to a family that generates an income of less than $800 a month. A dental examination done by private Santa Fe dentists would cost from $15 to $20.
Those patients who are maybe 42 or 55 have dental conditions that indicate lack of dental care. Many of the clinic's patients are children.
Clinic dentists gave dental treatment to children who qualified for federally funded special programs of the county early in the winter. The cost of all the dental services and treatment is usually covered by one program.
While there are around 20 patients scheduled by the clinic in a week, the dentists there can deal with many more. To address the great number of patients who did not keep their appointments, the secretary began scheduling them on specific days but not on specific times. Patients who show up for their appointments on that day are treated by the dentists on a first come, first served basis.
We show those who come in the different ways they can take care of their teeth. Toothbrushes and dental floss are provided for patients who don't use either of the two. When these patients come for their next scheduled appointment, they will have improved teeth.
by: John Chambers
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