subject: Global Resorts Network Scam...the Answer Finally [print this page] The question that lurked in my mind when I first heard was, "Is there a Global Resorts Network Scam?". Well much to my surprise they actually do exactly what they say they are going to do. See they actually do allow you to stay in luxury resorts for, the most, $700ish for an entire week. The least you pay is $200ish.
So I went on a hunt to solve "The Global Resorts Network Scam".
My wife and I firmly held on to "not joining another thing", have gotten seriously burned in the past. I mean thousands of dollars burned. So we joined I searched the Global Resorts Network Forum, Global Resorts Network LLC, and the biggest for me was Global Resorts Network complaints. I was surprised to find very minimal, if any, complaints.
Here's the deal on the "Global Resorts Scam" uproar, it cost $3k to join. I know, I know that's a lot of scratch. But when you think about it, that the cost of one vacation. You also have your pick of thousands of locations, luxury locations! And you get a lifetime membership.
Digging deeper I think I actually wanted to find a Global Resorts Network Scam because I decided to check on the major travel sites. You know the ones! I wanted to see if the prices were really lower. I searched for one resort after the other and fond that I was over paying by THOUSANDS. Not hundreds, THOUSANDS.
The "global resorts network scam" is a myth. I don't know, nor do I care, how they do it. Even though it's like a "global mlm network resort", I don't need to see the "man behind the curtain" to know it works.
If you could buy a Mercedes for $5k instead of $50k would you?
Global Resorts Network LLC has me excited for another reason, let me show you.
by: Will Love
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