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subject: Enagic Review - Water Is Our Lifeline [print this page]

Obviously, any living thing on our planet is aware, in some form, that water is essential to life itself. Enagic is a company who supplies Kangen alkaline filtration systems for water. For over thirty years, Japan-based Enagic International has been and still is the manufacturer of alkaline ionizers and water filtration units. The products are found in restaurants, hospitals and in homes throughout the globe.

The word ' Kangen ', is a Japanese term which means ' to return to the origin '. The company says, they have three basic principles regarding their philosophy... " Realizing True Physical Health, Realizing True Financial Health and Realizing The True Mental/Metaphysical Health ".

They say, they will continue to spread this message throughout the world. Because proper hydration is a part of everyone's daily needs, it's also necessary to realize that proper drinking water is critical. Water neutralizes acids in the body and is safe for the body anywhere between drinking neutral water and alkaline water. If you drop too far below the neutral water level, it can be harmful and may cause diseases.

" A water ionizer separates water into alkaline and acid fractions using a process known as electrolysis ". They say that ionized water is beneficial to one's health and it is claimed to be an antioxidant preventing disease and supposedly helps in the aging process.

There have also been some researchers who say that water with reduced alkaline may aid in pulling free radicals, in a tested laboratory setting. In any event, where ever you get your drinking water, just make sure it's really drinkable. Some Doctor's still believe that drinking eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day is the recommended daily amount.

The Company Enagic, along with many other companies, offers a Company Opportunity. Along with many others, some people wonder if the offer is a legitimate one and if it will actually make them money? If you decide to become a distributor, consultant or representative for any company, there will always be disadvantages if you do not have the proper skillset to develop your business. However, there are always advantages to having the proper knowledge. Deciding on whether or not you want to make it really happen for you is key.

by: Angela M. Thompson

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