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subject: The Place You Should Spend Money More [print this page]

You can take a look at which cost the most money on your body, the clothes, shoes or what? In fact, the place you should spend money should be underwear. The underwear is your life partner, so you should thank it.

The lingerie has great relationship with women's lives, as women's "second skin" and the content of fashion life, the lingerie has an irreplaceable role. When women wear suitable underwear, they can create beautiful body shape, which can increase self-confidence and improve work efficiency.

If you wear the underwear in the wrong way, it seems like not wearing it, and the baggy underwear does not help your body type. In addition, the tight underwear will leave trace on the body.

If you ignore the style of the underwear, but the beautiful thing will slowly eat away your beautiful body. Our body shape is different, the designers will design different bras of different functions, if we only attract by the colors or lace of underwear, then you may choose the wrong style.

The underwear has the characteristics of tolerance, so that you can give the breasts and buttocks uplift forces effectively. Sometimes, whether the underwear has the feature or not, it will be related to the material of underwear and the structure of the material. Organize the material by the knitted way would make the bras have very strong stretching force, regardless of the materials of silk, cotton, chemical fiber and so on, which is the flexibility we are accustomed to call; and the knitted fabric of the double structure is also full of flexibility. Therefore, 70% to 80% of the underwear sold on the counter use the knitted fabrics, and the other are the lace, mesh structure ways, which is lack of flexibility apparently without tolerance. In terms of the knitted fabrics, the knitted cotton fabric is full of flexibility and durability.

Maybe the elasticity of the underwear will lose slowly, and the underwear without function has no life no matter how good it is at that time. At this time, it is helpless to correct your size, which will hurt you more. The life of the bra is the bottom side. Once the bottom edge is loose, you should give it up. So the underwear should change timely. It should have the role for your body, which will help you more. So, it is the place what we should spend money more!

by: zhangjie

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