subject: Effectively Prevent Injury with a Data Logger [print this page] Astronauts, during long duration spaceflight are susceptible to decreased bone strength that can lead to fractures. Some of the many uses of a data logger, a device with sensors that can collect data based on environmental conditions, are to identify decreased bone strength in both astronauts and older adults. Exercise has been shown to increase bone strength and could be used as a preventative measure if an effective strategy can be identified. Scientists need to measure biochemical blood markers that are associated with bone resorption and formation to effectively identify the best possible patterns of exercises. A data logger is also used to measure various sport and exercise activities so scientists can eventually identify routines that produce the greatest bone strengthening effects. The data logger records information from different types of sensors (attached to the person for measurement) and stored in the device until it is downloaded to a computer.
With information gathered using a data logger, exercise routines can be developed to help reduce stress fractures in professional athletes. By utilizing this technology, scientists can potentially reduce some of these serious injuries that result in significant health care costs, lost training time, and interference with performance and competition. For a coach or trainer, using a data logger gives them the ability to measure and record the athlete's physiological information and positional information associated with their movement in real-time. Heart rate, blood oxygen, respiration, speed, acceleration, and changes in direction, and many other factors are required in professional athlete training and coaching. The ability to measure position, movement and force information plays an important role in effective analysis of the athlete performance and effectively preventing injury.
Effectively Prevent Injury with a Data Logger
By: Diana Valentine
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