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subject: Investing in Timeshare [print this page]

Today more and more people are looking again at investing in a timeshare property that will allow them to own a holiday home but at a fraction of the cost. However, before they do invest in such properties they need to do some careful research first. This way they can become more familiar with all aspects of not only just owning but also financing a timeshare property.

Also by knowing as much as you can with regards to timeshares you can avoid making the same kinds of mistakes that others have made previously. Also if you are arranging the financing for your property through the timeshare company then you need to keep certain things in mind to ensure that it doesn't cost you too much money. Below we look at what some of these things are.

1. When you are go to view any timeshare property don't allow the staff to pressure you in to sort out financing for it there and then. As well as the deal they put before you being of poor value in relation to long term costs the rates of interest charged are awful and they will have terrible penalty charges attached. Walk away if they say that the deal is only available on that day.

2. If you can try to arrange financing yourself as it will be considerably more affordable for you. Remember this is a highly competitive market and spending a little time doing some research can reap some really great deals for you. Also get advice from someone who is not only independent of the timeshare company but understands this form of financing. You may well be surprised that the deal being offered by the timeshare company is in fact the best. But just because they say it is doesn't mean that it is true.

Investing in Timeshare

By: Paul Lopez

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